Dinner for My Lady


Rich Dahl

R.I.P. 7/21/2024
Barb got off work at 7pm so we decided to do some brats for dinner, to keep life simple.
We had some brats from Safe Ways meat counter and I used those.
Onions red and yellow, green and red bell pepper sautéed and some beer.
Let that simmer on the gasser for about an hour, then gave the brats some color and toasted the buns. Served with LambWeston fries and tots.
Dinner was ready when Barb got home I kept it warm on the stove while Barb had a glass of unwind me wine and the fry’s cooked.
Simple but good




Have a great week and stay safe.
Looks good, Rich!

Tots & fries together? Never tried that.

My wife makes a tot casserole that is very good.
Thanks everyone for the kind words. Barb is a trooper and anything I can do to lighten her load I will do.
Foot is healing up nicely and I can do a little bit more each day, although I catch hell from Barb if I overdo it.
About the tots, Whitney and Abby our resident SRDs (spoiled rotten dogs) can smell tots a mile away and if they aren't slipped a few when we make them it's in the dog house for us. ;)
Lol, Rich. The OCD in me discovered an inequality in the amount of fries and tots on each plate. Was wondering if you or the SRDs ate the difference 🙂
Lol, Rich. The OCD in me discovered an inequality in the amount of fries and tots on each plate. Was wondering if you or the SRDs ate the difference 🙂
It's a female thing. I always ask DH to not put as much food on my plate as he puts on his. Right Barb?
Fabulous looking cook, Rich. So many great meals in the photo gallery, and not enough days to make them all.

