Thanks!! I’m learning that … maybe fattier meats would absorb the smoke more too …Pellet grills don't do a great job of infusing smoke when compared to a WSM. You can use a smoke tube to pick up the smoky goodness. Pellet grills are wood fired convection ovens and will cook a bit faster at the same temperature as other indirect methods. Like any other cooker, they definitely have their place and also have a learning curve.
Why the change to the Pit Boss? I purchased my WSM new back in the year 2008 but have not fired-it-up for at least 5 years. Appears that the WSMs are being rapidly replaced by these “Out-Door-Ovens”. My “Go-To” is now my Weber Kettles fitted with a SlowNSear Deluxe and a Cajun Bandit Rotisserie.I’ve been smoking ribs in my WSM for 5 years.. I had it figured out.. I bought a pit boss with pellets … not the same at all… cooked for the same amount of time… just curious if anyone has input… I think I overlooked them on the PB
Yeah, inquiring minds want to know?Why the change to the Pit Boss?
Good question lol… I think I’ve just gotten used to the WSM… more smoke, more moist … more pickingYeah, inquiring minds want to know?
Calling-these “Outdoor Ovens” a accurate description?.Pellet smokers are great for easy low effort cooks,
They are as convenient as an oven but do add more flavor. You can throw a pile of pellets on top of the diffuser plate too get more smoke but it still won’t be the same as charcoal.Calling-these “Outdoor Ovens” an accurate description?.
I recently got a small pellet grill for cooks when I didn't want to deal with charcoal. I had the same experience coming from my 14 inch WSM. For ribs I used the smoke setting for one hour before turning up the temperature to 250F. That added a nice subtle flavor. I found this out my mistake since I forgot to turn up the dial after starting the grill. I have a tendency to over smoke ribs on my WSM so I liked this change.I’ve been smoking ribs in my WSM for 5 years.. I had it figured out.. I bought a pit boss with pellets … not the same at all… cooked for the same amount of time… just curious if anyone has input… I think I overlooked them on the PB