Cured/Smoked CI fried Pork Chops


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
This was supper the other night, but these small thin chops were more like breakfast chops.

Four bone-in, three boneless chops in a zip bag with about 2 teaspoons of Morton's Tender Quick dissolved in about 4 cups of water.
In the fridge for about 4 hrs., rinsed well, dried well, then on a cookie rack for a little hickory smoke with a small lump fire.

Off the grill to some seasoned flour, then into my new 12" Lodge.

Plated with yellow squash, and boiled spuds.

Notice the nice pink color.

Son said "They taste like bacon"
Wife said "Kind of like ham"
I said "They taste like cured, smoked pork chops to me"
So good I wanted to eat the bone too!

Next morning, left over chop, well you know........

Near 70 here yesterday, took the new baby Pentax to a local covered bridge to try her out.

Alas, winter is coming back now.
Thanks for stopping by!
I personally like the thin chops. Nice cook Bob. The pork McBob looks good also.
Mr. Correll, bone in, bone out, smoked,cured, fried, ham, pork, bacon.....Pentax pic of covered bridge.....allzzz Izzzzz can sayzzzz izzzz, SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!!! You can serve this up to me any way you want, breakfast, lunch, supper, awesome Bob.
New camera takes really nice pics. Very vivid.
Nice cook. How do you like the the CI? I know a lot of folks prefer the thick cut pork chops but to be frank, I grew up on thin cut my mom fried in CI (breaded with crackers). She was a single mom and did great providing for us so to this day I prefer them over thick cut.

The sammich looks awesome as well.

A lot of fed workers around here are from St Louis area due to BRAC. They brought their love of pork steak (they share with you) with them.
Very nice chops!

So can you add the tender quick to most or all pork products and they end up with the bacon/ham flavor? So much to learn...
WAITRESS!!! I'll Have What BOB Is Makin'!
Sir Robert, You Continue To Amaze Me With EVERYTHING You Conjure Up, Cook Up, and Create Up!

Your Taste "Buds" Have Got To Be More Like Taste "L♥vers"!

that's a beautiful bridge, by the way
how's the dude inside?
You the man Bob!! Smoked pork chops are my absolute favorite! That's a new twist putting a bit of crust on them!!

Nice work Bob!

