Creamy Shiitake Mushroom Meatloaf


Cliff Bartlett

R.I.P. 5/17/2021
I did three cooks this past weekend. This is number 3. Meatloaf just sounded good so I went with that. Grilled corn and a plain old baker for sides. Here goes.

For the meatloaf I chopped up some carrot, celery, onion, white mushroom and garlic and placed it all in our food processor. Pulsed until finely chopped. Removed and placed on top of 2 1/2 lbs of mixed ground chuck and ground sausage in a large mixing bowl.


Mixed in Worcestershire sauce, beaten egg, Italian herbs, salt, pepper and cayenne. Topped with dry bread crumbs and mixed thoroughly.


Shaped my loaf and placed into a baking dish until later when I'm ready to cook'


Later in the evening I got going on the sauce for the meatloaf. Sauteed a couple cups of sliced Shiitake mushrooms.


When they began to brown I mixed in some fresh rosemary and flour.


Stirred in my beef broth and raised to high heat. Let simmer until thickened.



Stirred in heavy cream and removed from heat.


Placed meatloaf directly into pan with sauce and spooned the sauce over the meat.


After about an hour.

Grilled some quick corn on my Go Anywhere grill.


Pulled at an hour and a half. IT of the meat was right around 165.


Plated it up.


Boy, this was really good. Comfort food at it's finest. The mushrooms were wonderful and the cayenne added just a hint of heat. Anyway, that's about it. Thank you for looking everyone.
wow- that looks amazing. The wife said the other day fall is coming and I miss meatloaf. Very creative. So an hour on the grill is all it took?
Well my new routine now is get up in the morning, get a cup of coffee fire up the computer and see what wonderful dish Cliff made last night. Never disappointed. Can't wait to hear what my meatloaf queen will say about this one. I see meatloaf on the weekly menu in the near future and that's a good thing.:)
I'm not a mushroom fan but I am a meatloaf fan and your meatloaf looks great! Also liked the look of the gravy pre-cream. Looked like a good loco moco gravy. Which left over meatloaf makes a great loco moco!
That is awesome Cliff, it looks so so good. The mushroom gravy is over the top which I will be trying. Always enjoy your fantastic cooks, what time is dinner?:o
All right, that does it!
Chris, you have got to give Cliff his own thread or ban him, I am feeling less than imaginative when I see his work!
Thank you everyone. I enjoy sharing these cooks and certainly appreciate your comments.

wow- that looks amazing. The wife said the other day fall is coming and I miss meatloaf. Very creative. So an hour on the grill is all it took?

Jim.... This meatloaf took right at an hour and a half. I go more with internal temps than time. I pulled this guy at 165° internal.

Do you ever have to come up for air? :)

When I sleep! :)
Well my new routine now is get up in the morning, get a cup of coffee fire up the computer and see what wonderful dish Cliff made last night. Never disappointed. Can't wait to hear what my meatloaf queen will say about this one. I see meatloaf on the weekly menu in the near future and that's a good thing.:)

Well I got it right! Barb made a meatloaf last night and a fabulous mushroom gravy that I found on the net. Smoked on the performer, will be posting shortly. Just got to say thank you Cliff for inspiring Barb to step up to the plate. It was good stuff!

