So what is the case print material and what size nozzle was used to print
If everything goes correctly, then you should be able to watch it being printed. I have not had my printer on in a couple of month and had some false starts.
Everything turned out really nice. Thanks again, John.
To ensure extra smooth operation of the damper, I used some 200 grit sandpaper and sanded down the the bottom of the body and the top of the damper/valve so that those 2 mating surfaces were guaranteed not to bind during operation.
I also replaced the fan wires with some silicone jacket wire I had. The insulator on the stock fan wires had become quite brittle.
I am looking to purchase a damper set up. I'm open to which one, but I have the HM 4.3 with the standard fan (or will, when it gets here, I ordered it) This will be paired with my RPi 3B. I have a 18" WSM so any helpful tips/hardware purchases to attach it to the smoker are also welcome. Sorry for the noob post/questions, I'm still reading and using the search function. I live on the central coast of California.
I designed the original roto damper and the RD3, I print the parts much cheaper than the price of the pirated version linked above, its not a for profit venture for me... The RD3 fits the standard HM blower. Email me at rotodamper AT Hot Mail DOT COM if you are interested in getting a set of parts.
Will you provide an RD3 printed, assembled and tested
With fan, sg90 servo, lan cable, cable jack, capacitor soldered across servo leads, and shipped to buyer...for $50?
To be fair, if the above link makes $1, its by bulk purchase of parts, and discounting their own time. Doesnt appear to be much of a profit making venture to me. More like a service to some without resources or skills to put together themself. I think an individual would pay that amount just for the parts purchased separately. Maybe more.
Thanks MartinB,
Here's an actual breakdown of my costs:
Delta Fan - $15.12
MG90S Servo - $4.20 (I buy direct from Towerpro)
LAN Jack - $2.92
Cable - $2.40
Capacitor - $0.40
ABS Plastic - $3.57
Shipping(US) - $13.62
Total Cost = $42.23 (not including parts shipping costs from suppliers)
The costing does not include machine print time (about 10 hours each as I print at 0.2mm layer height and 50% infill) and my time to put it together, test it, and calibrate.
With a $50 sell price, I make $7.77. As MartinB indicated, hardly a money making venture, especially considering I can only produce about 1-2 a day.
I, like other makers here, produce it to give options to members that don't have the means to print themselves (yes, the files are available to print yourself), or don't want to mess with the assembly process and want a unit that works right out of the box.
I'm pretty sure I could make more money by just selling the print (no parts) for $20 and charge shipping to the buyer.
I always encourage to build your own. I'm more satisfied that there are over 2500 downloads of the design on Thingiverse
Delta Fan - $15.12
MG90S Servo - $4.20 (I buy direct from Towerpro)
LAN Jack - $2.92
Cable - $2.40
Capacitor - $0.40
ABS Plastic - $3.57
Shipping(US) - $13.62
Endless justification of intellectual property theft..... PRICELESS!
. I'm more satisfied that there are over 2500 downloads of the design on Thingiverse