Bryan Mayland
TVWBB Hall of Fame
One of the best parts about this project is the community that's grown around the HeaterMeter device here at TVWBB. Everyone wants to help each other build the best grill controller they can, solving problems, sharing ideas and inventing mechanisms. Some of the most difficult help to find though is help with acquiring some of the physical parts such as cases, dampers, or assembled units. Our gracious host, Chris Allingham and I have discussed it and thought it would be valuable to have a sticky list of folks available to burn their fingers on soldering irons or molten plastic extruders so you don't have to.
So if you're interested in providing 3D printed parts or building a HeaterMeter (either just the soldering, or a complete turnkey solution) for someone else, just post your contact information here and what geographic area you work in and I'll try to keep the first post updated with a list of resources. If you want to include a photo, you can have one per section, it must be 320x240 (imgur's medium thumbnail) but can link to a larger image or a gallery.
I've put some starting resources in the list here. If I've forgotten you, don't feel unimportant! Just post here and I'll put you in. If I have you in the list and you want your information updated, just post here or PM me and I'll fix you up!
3D Case Printing Services - Got to have a case to protect your HeaterMeter from getting pulled pork all over it!
3D Printed Servo Dampers and Blower Mounts - The best control is achieved with some of these amazing servo-controlled dampers!
HeaterMeter Assembly - Can't solder? These folks got you covered!
Hardware Mods
Selling / Trading Used HeaterMeters - Upgrade to the latest model and save your old one from just collecting dust!
So if you're interested in providing 3D printed parts or building a HeaterMeter (either just the soldering, or a complete turnkey solution) for someone else, just post your contact information here and what geographic area you work in and I'll try to keep the first post updated with a list of resources. If you want to include a photo, you can have one per section, it must be 320x240 (imgur's medium thumbnail) but can link to a larger image or a gallery.
I've put some starting resources in the list here. If I've forgotten you, don't feel unimportant! Just post here and I'll put you in. If I have you in the list and you want your information updated, just post here or PM me and I'll fix you up!
3D Case Printing Services - Got to have a case to protect your HeaterMeter from getting pulled pork all over it!
- Tom Kole - PM? - United States - Designer of the official case and Offset Rotary Damper
- Ralph Trimble - - United States
- Peter F - - Netherlands
- Guy Barton - - United States
- Fabian D - (send PM) - Germany - I can help you with HM assembly (normal and SMD version) and 3D printed parts. You can get everything you'll need from me! I print everything with ABS. HM cases, servo dampers, blower mounts, other parts... I'm mechanical engineer and have a lot of experience with soldering and 3D printers. Shipping to Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France and rest of Europe.
- SteveCK - - Creator of the "MicroDamper" and "MacroDamper"
- Andrea Guarnaccia - - Italy, ships to all of Europe.
- The official HeaterMeter Store
3D Printed Servo Dampers and Blower Mounts - The best control is achieved with some of these amazing servo-controlled dampers!
- Ralph Trimble - - United States - Designer of the famous "RotoDamper" servo damper
- Tom Kole - PM? - United States - Designer of the official case and Offset Rotary Damper
- Fabian D - (send PM) - Germany
- SteveCK - - Creator of the "MicroDamper" and "MacroDamper"
- John Bostwick - - United States - Cases and Rotodamper (RD3)
- Andrea Guarnaccia - - Italy, ships to all of Europe.
HeaterMeter Assembly - Can't solder? These folks got you covered!
- John Bostwick - - United States
- SteveCK - - United States. From time to time may also have a fully assembled HeaterMeter available through my MicroDamper website.
- Peter F - - Netherlands - Has built more HeaterMeters than even I have, ever.
- J Halasz - - Germany - Will also ship to US.
- Fabian D - (send PM) - Germany
- Andrea Guarnaccia - - Italy, ships to all of Europe.
- Jas E - I am located in Vancouver, Canada. I can provide soldering services and 3D printing of cases for anyone that requires it. You can contact me at I also have a few extra SMD HeaterMeters tested and ready to go. These will mate with a RaspberryPi B+ (and eventually, if/when the software gets update, they will work with RaspberryPi 2) They are completed with Yellow/Green LCDs, 1 Thermocoupler jack, and 3 meat probe jacks. They have 10K resistors for Maverick ET-73 probes, but you can easily swap out the resistors if you are using other probes. You will need to supply the SD card and Raspberry Pi B+. $99 US plus shipping. I also have ET-73 high temperature probes, high temperature thermocouples, and power adapters available for sale.
If you have special requirements, like no LCD or buttons, or 4 meat probe jacks, I can accommodate.
Hardware Mods
- John Bostwick - - United States - Thermocouple Adapter Board V6.1 (convert thermistor inputs to thermocouple)
Selling / Trading Used HeaterMeters - Upgrade to the latest model and save your old one from just collecting dust!
- Jas E - Vancouver, Canada - I also have a few extra SMD HeaterMeters tested and ready to go. These will mate with an rPi B or rPi B+ (and eventually, if/when the software gets update, they will work with rPi 2) They are completed with Yellow/Green LCDs, 1 Thermocoupler jack, and 3 meat probe jacks. They have 47K resistors for Maverick ET-732 probes, but you can easily swap out the resistors if you are using other probes. You will need to supply the SD card, rPi, Power Adapter, and probes. $99 US plus shipping.
- J Halasz - - Germany - I have 2 "complete" builds to part with, they are in a case, no lcd, no button, no tc, with rotodamper and fan. I am in Germany, but I can ship anywhere in EU to US. Let me know if you are interested by PM please.
- Fabian D - (PM) I have a complete Heatermeter 4.2 for sale. Including 3D printed case (color: black), high temperature food probe, high temperature thermocouple pit probe, WLAN USB stick and power supply (12V, 2A).
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