Chicken with Bob Gibson's White BBQ Sauce


Cliff Bartlett

R.I.P. 5/17/2021
A few weeks back I mentioned I was interested in doing a chicken cook with white BBQ Sauce. Clint sent me this recipe and I finally got to it last night. Thank you Clint. This is Bob Gibson's Bama Birds with White Barbeque Sauce. I sided it up with a casserole called Potato, Squash and Goat Cheese Gratin. Here are the pic's.

Made the white barbeque sauce earlier in the day and let it sit in the fridge several hours. Here are the ingredients.

Finished product.

Found this smaller chicken a while back and had it in the freezer just for this cook. 4.3 lbs. Was initially going to half it and cook it that way, but decided to piece it out.

Got working on the cheese gratin. Used medium red potatoes and yellow squash. Used my Mandolin to slice it up. Used smallest setting, 1/32". This is one of the handiest kitchen tools I've purchased. Took around 2 minutes, and that was taking my time.

Mixed the squash and potato slices in olive oil. Put one third of slices in baking dish, topped with salt and pepper and then crumbled goat cheese. Repeated this two more times until slices used up. Topped with grated parmesan cheese.

Got the casserole on my 22 for 30 minutes or so, foiled. Then removed foil and let it go another 15.

Salt and pepper the chicken and got on indirect until IT got to around 155.

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Looks great, Cliff! Love that Bob Gibson's white sauce on chicken. The longer you let the sauce rest in the fridge, the more depth of flavor you get.
Placed the chicken over direct heat, turning, skin side down until done.

Casserole had a few minutes to go so moved the chicken back over to cooler side.

Casserole done.

Some of the crispiest chicken I've done on the grill. Took each piece and dipped it directly into the white bbq sauce.



If I do say so myself, this cook was a home run. The chicken was absolutely fantastic. That white bbq sauce is delicious. I will be doing this again. The Squash and Potato Gratin was equally as good. Had a great time with this one, both the cook and eating it as well. Have a nice week everyone. Thanks for looking.

Edit... Just a note to those of you who might have tried to view this post earlier. I screwed up royally and sent off my post after the first three pictures. That's a done deal, can't delete and start over. You'll never know how close my laptop came to going in the pool. Thanks for bearing with me.
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That looks like a great meal Cliff. Really liked the potato casserole. Just bought a bottle of Gibsons White Sauce and am going to try it on Vortex chicken this weekend.
Definitely gotta' try this one.
Wonder how it would work on a Roti-Bird? (Baste it on inside and outside)

With the taters & squash you had me licking my Monitor Screen :coolkettle:
That looks great Cliff, like the taters and squash, got to get a mandolin that's about the only kitchen tool I don't have. I've been eyeing that white sauce for awhile and from your ingredients it looks like that could be the one that's on the Amazing Ribs site. Maybe give it a go this weekend.
Everything looks great Cliff. My wife was asking about a mandolin the other day, sounds like I have a green light to buy one.
That looks great Cliff, like the taters and squash, got to get a mandolin that's about the only kitchen tool I don't have. I've been eyeing that white sauce for awhile and from your ingredients it looks like that could be the one that's on the Amazing Ribs site. Maybe give it a go this weekend.

Thanks everyone! Yes Rich, that's it. You won't be sorry.
Cliff that is one awesome dinner for sure. Everything is spot on and I love that white sauce. We will be doing some this week-end. your mandolin is nice, like Rich said that's about the only things we don't have. I like your's can you give us the make and where you got it. Thanks.
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Grate looking cook Cliff. Love the sound of that BBG White Sauce.
I love my mandolin. So versatile. I bought myself a kevlar glove, for when you get to the end of the veggies. Ouch! (Been there).

