Cheap Beef Steak



I wanted Chuck eyes, but this cut not here in local stores.
I found only this


I know that it is difficult cut for grilling, but I gave it a chance


I started with Crash Hot Potatoes, shrooms / butter / ground pepper, onion / butter / S & P


25 minutes later


meat flavored Stubb's beef rub enters the arena


I know that I need to cook quickly


130 F internal temp - done


sides copied from Mr. Jim Lampe post (thanks Jim)


The meat will never be as Rib eye, it is obvious


but it was very tasty. A little chewy but tasty. Gets a chance in the future. Is not art to cook good quality (expensive) meat. This is a challenge.

Thanks for visit my friends.
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Wow, everything looks fantastic, even the cooked carrots (I hate cooked carrots) Nicely done!
Looks awesome buddy! Dunno what cut that was but looked good. And a nice cut to work with. Skål and have a good one mate!
I would dive into that plate in a heartbeat my friend, looks excellent. I too like to use the other cuts and have had some pleasant surprises
Not sure if you marinated the steaks first, but with this cut I suspect it would help.
The chuck tender is rated 9 on meathead's scale for tender/tough steaks, with the tenderloin as the most tender at 5.7.
Thanks for the link Bob. I also went to Google before cooking;). I have two packs in the freezer and I'll try marinade next cook.
... 9.0 ...but it was not bad, really :p

Thanks folks.
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Every time you post I know I'm gonna see some awesome eye candy!!! Fantastic cook and pics as usual
You know what...?
I'm right there with John Solak's comments...
there are a number of members here that when I see a thread started by them....
ONLY great things await you.

Now Mildo, no one said it, but I will.
Your dinner looks sooo much nicer, sooo much tastier than mine!!

and I've seen chuck tenders in stores around these parts...
folks must buy them...

anyway, Sir Mildo... Another sensational grillin' experience!!
Thank You Much For Sharing :D
Great cook, Mildo! I love seeing weber love from around the world!

I'ld like to teach the world to cook
On a weber grill
I'ld like to buy the world a weber
And keep it company
Smoke on the real thing

First one to guess the jingle wins nothing. Lol
Wonderful presentation/description and your plate of food is absolutely perfect. Another excellent meal, Mr. Mildo.
Now, you have me confused with Chuck, thanks for the link Ed;)

Great cook, Mildo! I love seeing weber love from around the world!

I'ld like to teach the world to cook
On a weber grill
I'ld like to buy the world a weber
And keep it company
Smoke on the real thing

First one to guess the jingle wins nothing. Lol

John: I initially did not know what it is - your quiz without prizes.
I was three years old when this commercial was a hit. Also here we were behind the Iron Curtain for a long time and nothing has been American have gotten here:( That's why I'm happy with you now that I can be free to be in touch:)
That's a great commercial. Happy Webering to the world!
And yes, the Webers are incredibly perfect products and deserve similar advertising as Coca Cola!!!

