Celebrating the Hunter & The Turning the Page Cook


Bill Schultz

TVWBB Hall of Fame
So, as some of you know I ran a Brace of Brittanies the past thirteen years hunting Feather & Fowl of the World with great success. Two years ago at age 14 had to put the oldest to sleep due to illness and suffering. Well as the life of Man and his partners always comes to a close, last week I had to put one of the greatest Bird Hunters to have graced a Man's Lodge to sleep at the same age due to cancer of the Pancreas & Liver.
His name was Duke, if a game Bird lived in a field valley or the thick woods of Grouse Territory he was found by this Hunter, every time.


Over the past year I have struggled to find another to replace these Masters of the Field and was looking hard for a Breed that really had my eye. their called Puddelpointer's . With only 29 Breeders in the whole of North America with a 2-3 year waiting list it was not going well. Until a chance phone call
and circumstance put one in my grasp. It was fate I tell you, it was meant to be.

So the CEO and I drove four hours into PA and returned home yesterday with a Pudelpointer Pup

Meet Eli, he's got big shoes ti fill. But it feels really right, if you know what i mean.


So to celebrate his first day in NJ I made a favorite, a NJ Cheesesteak, all the fixins, shaved Sirloin, peppers, onions, shrooms, garlic and a good Italian Bread, good sharp Provolone


Peppers and Shrroms on first on the Genny over a CI grill. Then Onions, then last Garlic sliced razor thin


The the Cheese on, kosher and fresh ground also


All put together


On the table with a good Beer with a couple of slices of orange


I have a great deal to be thankful for in life, good food by my own hand and the love and loyalty of so far four great hunting dogs.
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Congrats on the new pup and sorry for your loss. Duke will be waiting for you and will point the way to Heaven's Gate.

Looks like a delicious sammich too!
What a heartwarming story. Babygirl says to tell Eli Hi. And then please mail us both one of those sandwiches. Looks fantastic
So the CEO and I drove four hours into PA and returned home yesterday with a Pudelpointer Pup Meet Eli, he's got big shoes ti fill. But it feels really right, if you know what i mean
Congrats on the new pup Bill, he's pretty good size if he's only 7 weeks old? I love labs! I still haven't replaced my black lab, who's been gone now 10+ years. Some of that is because I never got over my lab's death (premature, only lived six years) and another reason is my son really isn't into romping though fields for birds (fortunately he likes to hunt deer with dad) Enjoy the next year raising him, it's probably as much fun getting them birdy as it is hunting over them.

That sammy looks spot on!
I like you and many others know the pain of losing a companion and hunting partner. I've had Golden Retrievers for the last 40 years and it tears me apart every time I loose one. Raddy our 13 year old is about done and will bring that feeling of sorrow again.
On the brighter side raising a new pup for the field will be fun to watch as the ah ha's come as he learns, that's what I really enjoyed. Not only will he have big shoes to fill he has big feet to grow into:D
Very happy for you Bill, you got what you were after and I'm sure you will have many wonderful years of being in the fields with that pup.
About that sandwich...Give it to me!
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I like you and many others no the pain of losing a companion and hunting partner. I've had Golden Retrievers for the last 40 years and it tears me apart every time I loose one. Raddy our 13 year old is about done and will bring that feeling of sorrow again.
On the brighter side raising a new pup for the field will be fun to watch as the ah ha's come as he learns, that's what I really enjoyed. Not only will he have big shoes to fill he has big feet to grow into:D
Very happy for you Bill, you got what you were after and I'm sure you will have many wonderful years of being in the fields with that pup.
About that sandwich...Give it to me!

Ditto to what Rich said, Congrats on your new pup he is awesome.:o You can also send me one of those sandwiches.
Your story is both gut wrenching and heart warming Bill. I'm glad I read your post first to start off the day! I've felt the bite of losing an animal too many times in recent years. Not sure I want to go down that road again. We're on a hiatus right now for any new additions to the family. We'll see how it goes. Eli's a lucky little guy to have found such a great home. He sure is cute. The cheesesteak sammie is a stunner, but no surprise there. Looks delicious.
Sorry for your loss Bill.
Beautiful pup, never heard of the breed before, would have guessed it to be a chocolate lab.
Sandwich and salad both look terrific!
Nice way to welcome your new companion home, Bill! Wishing you many happy years with Ely!

Phases & stages..... sorry about the older dogs... glad to see to have a new one.... I'm sure you will do a bang-up job training him. The sammy looks outrageous.
Textbook perfect cheesecake, Bill. Excellent pictures too.

Very sorry to hear about Duke, but wishing you many, many years of joy with Eli.
It's always very tough saying farewell to our four legged buddies. Sorry for your loss of Duke, and congratulations on welcoming Eli to your family. And last but not least, your food looks amazing.
Having had to do the same with my Lab. a few years ago, I feel your pain. Hardest thing I ever had to do. I replaced my Lab. with 2 some time after that. There gone but not forgotten. New memories to start now. It looks like you got your work cut out for you! Food as always looks great.
Bill, that is a heartwarming story. Sorry to hear of your loss of your great dogs. The pup looks super cute! Many happy times ahead. Well, sometimes the puppy years are a little challenging! Great looking sandwich as always! I am including a shot of my best friend Lila who is a liver colored Brittany. Many people thinks she's a Springer but she's pure bred Brittany. Eight years old. She is a great dog, but hopelessly gun shy. Nevertheless this is a great family dog! Good luck with that beautiful new puppy!
Bill, that is a heartwarming story. Sorry to hear of your loss of your great dogs. The pup looks super cute! Many happy times ahead. Well, sometimes the puppy years are a little challenging! Great looking sandwich as always! I am including a shot of my best friend Lila who is a liver colored Brittany. Many people thinks she's a Springer but she's pure bred Brittany. Eight years old. She is a great dog, but hopelessly gun shy. Nevertheless this is a great family dog! Good luck with that beautiful new puppy!

Beautiful Pup Rob, thanks
Thanks for telling us about Duke and Eli. Can't wait to hear how young Eli grows into those big paws.

Oh yeah... nice sammie too :-)
Being a dog person and never having heard of the pudelpointers I had to do some research. Looks like you picked a super winner, read nothing but wonderful things about their hunting skills and great disposition.
When you get Eli trained that's going to be one great dog to hunt over. I had to give it up years ago due to health reasons, but I miss those cold fall mornings in the field.
Please keep us posted as to the progress with Eli.

