Celebrating 5 years with B-backs and a Turkey


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
To celebrate 5 years this month as a member (with too many posts) I dedicate these cooks to all of the knowledge I've gained here, and to all the friends I have made.

Sunday was baby backs on the WSM.
WI apple wood for smoke, and my mixed up rubs for the rub.




Ready after about 4 hours.


Yesterday I smoke cooked a 12.5 lb. turkey on the Performer using sugar maple.
Oakridge Game Bird & Chicken for the rub.

Never took an internal temp, just waited for the timer to pop.

Ready after about 3 hrs. running the kettle at mostly 325.

Snacked on the breast meat while carving, so a drumstick was all I needed.

Both meals were excellent, but prior to joining TVWBB they might have been hit or miss.
So a big thanks to Chris A, and to members past and present.
You all are simply the best!
GREAT cooks my friend....there are never "too" many posts. Looking forward to another 5 years from you.
For he's a jolly Good Fellow... congrats on the milestone, Bob. That's one I'm actually looking forward too :cool:
Bob, both cooks are absolutely spectacular! Those ribs are beautiful. They just scream out at you. Great pictures really do the cooks justice. Congratulations on your five years, and thank YOU for all your inspiration and beautiful meals you've shown us.
and the celebration continues..............

Thanks so much everyone!

lunch today, leftover ribs, Ranch beans, tomato, and a peach with ice cream.





If there's anything better than grilled peaches and ice cream I have yet to find it.
Great post with wonderful cooks as always!!
Congratulations on five years of contributions to the forum! I have learned so much from you and others it's amazing. One thing I have learned is don't mess with Bob Correll or you get pictured shocked with a picture of Paula Dean / Barney Fife (don't ask) as a response to trying to outdo the master;)
Between Barb and you I never stood a chance!
Bob, both cooks are absolutely spectacular! Those ribs are beautiful. They just scream out at you. Great pictures really do the cooks justice. Congratulations on your five years, and thank YOU for all your inspiration and beautiful meals you've shown us.

Same here, Great food, great pics. a great guy.
Thanks Again Bob.
Wow, Excellent looking cook Bob and fantastic looking dessert!!!

You and I joined the same month and year!!! I can't believe its been 5 years already since I bought my first Weber grill!
Great looking cooks for your 5 year anniversary. And thank you for all of your super idea's. Without you I would never have done bacon. thanks
Happy five years Bob..ribs look perfect..turkey..smoking hot!! You've been a great inspiration to me buddy!


