Brisket and Beans Smoke Day At Last


Cliff Bartlett

R.I.P. 5/17/2021
Here's what my Smoke Day 2017 produced.

Full Packer, weighing in at a little under 15 lbs. Trimmed and rubbed it down.

On the 22 WSM a right around 6:30 am. Running at 235. Pecan and apple for smoke.

A little over 6 hours in. Ready for some butcher paper.

During the slow part of the day I finished a loaf of the Tartine bread that I started last evening.

Then continued working on the sides. Can't have brisket without some beans. The meat in the bag is chopped from some point meat from my last brisket that I had in the freezer.

All mixed and ready for the grill.

On for about an hour.

Pulled brisket at 8:30 pm. Just under 14 hour smoke.

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Sliced the bread while the brisket rested.

Grilled some Romaine real quick.

Beans done.

My wife made a Blue Cheese-Bacon Vinaigrette she put on the lettuce after plating.

Sliced the brisket after removing the point.

Plate. Used the saved juice from the butcher paper, separated the fat and used it for au jus on the meat. Delicious.

Hope your Smoke Day was as good as mine! Everyone have a terrific remainder of this great weekend. Thanks for looking.
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Great cook Cliff. Those beans look outstanding as does the bread of course. Did the same thing you did with the juice from our brisket today, man was that good!
Well.... you certainly know how to put on a feed! Love the brisket, beans, the plate, pix --- all of it.
A good lookin' dish if I ever saw one. Never tried grilled Romain lettuce. Is that sort of like cooked cabbage?

Talking about brisket my feeble attempts at a (small) brisket, the meat left much to be desired, but the drippings were killer combined with beef stock.

Maybe I'll get the courage to try a big brisket soon.
Outstanding everything Cliff, including wonderful photos!
All looks great, but I could make a meal of just those beans.
Thanks everyone. It was a very fun day. Already looking forward to next year.

Wow what a great looking smoke day you did. All looks guud. How do you like using butchers paper?

Butcher paper was OK Russ. I cut it a little short and had trouble getting it wrapped properly. It seemed to do a better job keeping the bark dry and crisp. Will continue to experiment with it before I draw any firm conclusions.

