Birthday brisket and sausage.


Dustin Dorsey

TVWBB Hall of Fame
Birthday brisket and sausage.

Each year for my birthday I throw a barbecue. This year was prime brisket, my homemade sausage, burgers and hotdogs.

Prime Brisket

Trimmed. I'm starting to slowly but surely get more aggressive on trimming (for me). I save the fat for sausage.

After the cook. Wrapped this one in butcher paper around 165.

Wrapped brisket.

I made some sausage. The recipe is the same one I posted in the charcuterie forum. This was a huge hit.

Sausage cooking.

Unfortunately after the brisket cook the WSM had lost too much steam. Finished up on the OTS.

Sausage done along with some dogs.

Sliced brisket.

Sliced fatty brisket.


This slice turned out perfectly. Fatty brisket is great!


My wife's best friend made us these hats. We have matching Pecan Lodge gear.
That's a beautiful cook. The brisket & sausage is to die for. Love those hats & the barbecutie.
Happy Birthday buddy! I too have a hat that *almost* matches yours :) 2 of them actually. Wear it with pride :)

I'd have enjoyed your BBQ & sausages no doubt. (cute kid btw)
Oh yeah..... & Happy Birthday. Looks like you treated you & yours to something very special.
Happy Birthday and what a great looking meal you created there. I don't know if I've ever seen a more moist brisket. Love the sausages too. Great cook!
Dustin Happy Birthday looks like it was awesome. That was a fantastic cook everything looks delicious. Like your hats but the Barbecutie is adorable.
Happy birthday Dustin, sausage and brisky look great. Love the picture of you and the little one.
Now that's what I call a birthday meal, Dustin! I'm right there with you on fatty brisket being the greatest. The brisket looks incredible and your charcuterie skills are quite impressive with that homemade sausage.
Happy Birthday Dustin! Great BD meal you smoked too, looks better than any restaurant meal!
That brisket is a beauty (which we've come to expect out of you) Congrats on another amazing Brisket cook. Happy belated Birthday
That is a perfect looking brisket and sausage combo - thank you for sharing and thanks for posting the sausage recipe as well!
Happy belated birthday Dustin. The food looks great but that little Barbecutie is the star of the post. The best present I can ever have is seeing my granddaughter. The kids make everything worthwhile. I know you had a wonderful birthday.

