Best Breweries in the US.

I think there are some great breweries around here. I'm sure glad the local guys are putting out great brew.

Same here - It'd be an exhaustive list to get every brewery worth mentioning, but I'd have to add Sierra Nevada, Anchor Brewing, Stone, Uinta (one of my locals), New Belgian, Rogue, and the very least.

edit: I almost forgot Full sail!
Wow, they missed a bunch!
Locally there's Olde Mecklenburg, Sugar Creek, Legion, Bird Song, Heist, NoDa. And that's just the ones I really like/ have tried!
Out of Asheville, there's Wicked weed, Green Man, Highland Brewing, Catawba Brewing. Plus, New Belgium and Oscar Blues have east coast breweries there.
In St. Louis, there's Schlafly and a bunch more! In Maine, there's Shipyard, Allagash, Maine Beer Co, Kennebeck Brewery. Plus lot's more!
@ Phil Perrin - I like Olde Mecklenburg, I intend to make it over that way sometime soon and get it fresh
I remember the limited choices that were available when I was a kid in the 1970's and would go to the local "Beer Depot" with my dad - only had a choice of maybe a dozen or so "mega-brews" (This was when I was too young to enjoy beer - except maybe an occasional 6-oz juice glass on-tap with Gramps at the neighborhood bar. [So long ago that my favorite at the time, Orange Crush, came in the brown bottle with ridges and was not artificially dyed that putrid orange color... Wish they would bring THAT stuff back...]

Now, there are so many choices that your eyes could glaze-over in the process of picking one out (Okay - maybe two or three...) But I REALLY love the variety.
Plus, I now understand what all of the "old-timers" (people older than my folks) said about how Schlitz was such a good beer before they "messed it up" in the 1970's.
Although the new "throwback" stuff is not the sort of thing that serious Beer Geeks would rave about - I find it to be a good, drinkable, thirst-quencher with some body, but not too much.

My favorite time of the year is upon us - the Maibocks are coming into season! (Recently tried some Lakefront, and thought it really darned good!)
This stuff seems cyclical. I remember there being a huge micro brewery craze in the 90's. My personal favorite is Spoetzl Brewery in Shiner, Tx. I LOVE Shiner Bock.
On a slightly different note, there is a company locally that will deliver craft beer to your door. For a small fee that is! They are called BrewPublik and they will deliver local craft beer. There are different levels of "sponsorship" that you can sign up for.
Something else they did last year and are doing again this year is #springcleanmybeer . They'll swap a sixer of whatever big name brew you have for local stuff. For free! You don't have to sign up for the service, but you need to follow them on Twitter. Also, it's limited to 30 minutes from downtown Charlotte. I won't sign up for the service, but I'll swap some PBRs for a nice IPA! ;)
And the beer is not wasted, either. They have a big shrimp boil for charity with all the "donated" beer.
Schlitz! I know, I know, but my dad worked there for over 30 years and it put food on our table and clothes on our backs! So to me, Schlitz will always be the best!
The "Tap Takeover" by Dogfish Head was fun / got to try some really good and some pretty exotic stuff!

Got me some "Squall" Imperial IPA to go with the 30 or so pounds of Pork Butt that I'll be smokin'-up for a charity event this weekend.
(For a fund-raiser for the Basset Hound Rescue that I work with - our Minnesota group's Spring Into Summer event at the end of the month.)

Trying something exotic - a Bomber of "Noble Rot", it is infused with wine / grape juice enhanced by the same process (a type of naturally-occurring mold that enhances the sweetness) used with late-harvest German Reisling wines. Hoping it's something "different but not too weird".
[On the other hand; I'm not a total beer-geek / snob - on the right days, I also like Schlitz, MHL, and Ice-Cold Old Style if it's a fresh keg...]

My two favorite beers:
-COLD Beer
-FREE Beer :D

