Best Accessories For 22" Weber Kettles

I agree with several of the suggestions including a side table the same height. Here is one we enjoy that attaches to the kettle and has removable legs for easy storing.2D3DDEFF-23BF-4087-B2FE-4E43EAC4EEF8.jpeg
Well everyone above seems to have covered it very well. I have almost all the toys mentioned except GG and so far I haven't really missed them as far as I can tell. One other thing buy quality meat the best you can afford and don't use cheap generic charcoal and your frustration level will stay near zero.
What is GG? Grill Grates?

Well everyone above seems to have covered it very well. I have almost all the toys mentioned except GG and so far I haven't really missed them as far as I can tell. One other thing buy quality meat the best you can afford and don't use cheap generic charcoal and your frustration level will stay near zero.
Like many have mentioned. I would get the slow n sear deluxe for the bigger sear zone vs the original slow n sear. I really like the Drip ‘N Griddle Pan Deluxe, it makes my clean up process alot easier. I just wrap it with foil. Also, you can use your kettle to smoke too, I also have a WSM but for something small and quick, I do tend to use my kettle with the slow n sear as a smoker on small cook. It is like my daily driver and I use my WSM for bigger cooks. Also, let's you smoke 2 things at the same time too that require different smoking temps.

I believe they referring to grill grates from Nice if you looking to sear steaks and what not. Its not required it does give a some beautiful sear markings. But they are $$.

Now your going to be spending another few hundred dollars on accesories.
Rich - what brand and type of charcoal do you recommend?

I'm certainly no expert but I've tried a lot of different ones. For everyday use I find KBB to be uniform and reliable. For special cooks I like KBB pro, really great charcoal.
For the most part the generic no name brands aren't worth the trouble, better to pay a little more and get something good.
I'm certainly no expert but I've tried a lot of different ones. For everyday use I find KBB to be uniform and reliable. For special cooks I like KBB pro, really great charcoal.
For the most part the generic no name brands aren't worth the trouble, better to pay a little more and get something good.

A really big +1 on this.
I would add that for high heat cooking you can use pretty much any charcoal, but for low & slow or smoking you want something that doesn't make bad/off tasting smoke.
I couldn't figure out why I tasted something similar to lighter fluid on some slow cooks using Kingsford - I switched to Royal Oak all natural ( brown bag) $7.50 for 16lbs at Walmart - and that taste when away. I haven't bought a bag of Kingsford since.
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I would add that for high heat cooking you can use pretty much any charcoal, but for low & slow or smoking you want something that doesn't make bad/off tasting smoke.
I couldn't figure out why I tasted something similar to lighter fluid on some slow cooks using Kingsford - I switched to Royal Oak all natural ( brown bag) $7.50 for 16lbs at Walmart - and that taste when away. I haven't bought a bag of Kingsford since.
I bought a bunch of Embers. It did ok on some burgers. Then I put it in the WSM for ribs. The ribs were inedible. I put the embers out to the curb with a "FREE" sign.
A nice, big, carbon steel wok. Turn the vortex upside down (wide side up), fill it with coal, slip the wok on the GBS opening over the vortex, and stir fry.

Any suggestions on Wok size, brand? I have a mastertouch with the GBS and I'm getting ready to order a vortex.
So if I was to upgrade my grill itself to one that had a nice sized flip up for the SNS the best option would be which???
If you asking about a replacement grate for a 22" kettle, then the KillaGrilla is considered the best of the best. Very heavy duty stainless steel that will likely outlast your kettle.

Ya just wish these weren’t $1M for Canadians.... does anyone who has one use with the Vortex as well? Will the stainless hold up to that heat in the center?
That is fabulous. Just checked it out and looks like shipping outside the USA is an option. Thanks a bunch for that link, that thing looks fabulous. Would one just go ahead and use this grill with the vortex, or just go and swap out the standard grill with the vortex??? I would hate to pay all that money and shipping just to mess it up.

