Bacon Wrapped Venison Tenderloin


Bill Schultz

TVWBB Hall of Fame
So, this turns out to be the best Venison meal I have ever had and wanted to share. It has been a tough couple of weeks work wise and this is the first time I have been able to dabble.
Anyhow, Tenderloins dressed with a truly great seasoning, Everglades and allowed to sit with just the dry seasoning for about half an hour.


This is a marinade I will be using again, it is one of my best. 1/4 cup each of Soy, Worcestershire, Sesame Oil, Rice Wine Vinegar and a little less of Honey. Meat in the marinade for a little more than an hour.


After the marinade, wrapped in Applewood smoked Bacon


At 375 for about half an hour on the Genny, in between rain drops. Sorry for the out of focus shot


Pulled at 130



This is a fabulous way to eat Venison and by popular demand will be done again

Nothing I don't like about that. I might even Kill (a deer!) for a plate like that :)

That is one awesome Tenderloin dinner Bill. That marinade then wrapped in bacon WOW!!! Pass that plate fast.
I can only guess how good that tasted Bill. That would make a fine Christmas dinner, bacon and all
You really nailed that one, Bill. Cooked to perfection and plated up very nicely.
Wrapping a backstrap in bacon is hands down the best way to grill it in my experience. Looks like you nailed it too! I'm going to try your marinade next time I do one.

