Backyard Grill Charcoal


Tony R

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
I bought this bag of charcoal for $6.37 - 18lbs. At Walmart

It worked great... This will work fine for hot and fast. Just need to test for a low and slow cook.
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35 cents per #, about the same price as the Memorial / Labor Day sales around here. for KBB
How much ash in comparison to other brands, such as KBB?

Thank you.

A little less ash.

I used a chimney full for a cook yesterday. Today I scooped up the rest to grill again and filled 3/4 chimney. I'm happy that I'm getting my moneys worth.
Going to wally world today, I'll grab a bag and give it a try can't beat the price. Thanks for the info Tony.
real glad you had luck. no luck here with trying other brands of coal... I always end up puffing and blowing and stressing over coals while everyone is dranking beer watching me try to get the fire going or keep it alight. i say go for it if it works, man that's a steal of a deal. appreciate the info on the brand... thanks Calif Tony.
Got some Outdoor Gourmet on sale at Academy last year; looks just like that. A little harder to light evenly than KBB, but works OK on steaks. Is that the case with Backyard Grill? Don't want to try something new when I'm slow cooking for others. May try it when I'm just cooking for the family.
Lew, Backyard Grill is as easy to light as KBB. Differences are lower cost, less white smoke, less ash, and less binders.
The binders part means it does not hold together as well KBB. But... the tradeoff is certainly worth it.

