Joe Anshien
TVWBB Honor Circle
This is a pretty cool video.
My sentiments exactly.....I love gadgets as much as the next person, but I’m too hands on for my own good to break out my Billows. I think I’ve used it exactly twice while I was building my deck a few summers ago. The lovely thing about the WSM, is once she’s dialled in, there’s not much left to do once you’ve adjusted your vents, except sit back with a beverage of your choosing and wait.
I understand, as I stated above, "to each their own". To automate a WSM or not is a personal choice. Though I will add that your experience with GrillEye is precisely why I shy away from devices that rely on "The Cloud" for their basic operation. Cloud-based services are a wonderful concept, but not, in my opinion, something that can always be relied upon. Many of these companies are well intentioned and have great ideas, but don't always survive.Today I cursed my grilleye wlan/cloud thermometer.
I broke my old phone. To pair my new phone, I would need to unpair my old phone from the thermometer. But I can't, it's broken.
I looked for their support page. Grilleye went out of business. Their free cloud feature will become a subscription.
I don't want to automate my WSM. Its a philosophical thing.
Yeah, the anti-Weber WSK guy. Yep, no thanks to giving him any views. Regardless of topic. YMMVThis is a pretty cool video.
Having said that, I recently got a chance to evaluate a new and much different smoker controller. I haven't cooked with it yet, but I picked up a pork butt today on sale which I plan to cook on Sunday. It has wifi built in, the controller and fan are in a single unit, and the much smaller adapter that connects the fan to the WSM means that I won't have to remove the adapter to fit the cover back on the smoker after every cook. The app that controls the new unit is not as elegant as Stokerlog (which was written and developed by a gentleman named Amir and was/is the best piece of freeware I have ever used), but looks like it will do the job. I'm going to run the Stoker alongside the new controller just to monitor and chart the cooking and meat temperatures for comparison. I will post a review on, as requested by the manufacturer, and if anyone is interested (and it's okay with Chris) I'll post a condensed version here. A review, not an ad. The Stoker, in my view, has set the bar pretty high and I'll be interested to see if the new horse can run with Secretariat.I have been using one of the original Stoker temperature controllers since they first came out. The Stoker, and the stokerlog software I use to control it, are both discontinued relics, but they still work, and let me monitor and control the cook without having to go outside and walk the fifty feet to where my smoker sits. The setup is not necessary but at 74 I appreciate the convenience, especially in bad weather. But sometimes when cooking ribs (where I don't need to monitor the temperature of the meat) I just set up an old Maverick wireless thermometer to watch the cooking temperature. View attachment 107952
What is the name of the unit and please post your review here as I for one would want to read it.Having said that, I recently got a chance to evaluate a new and much different smoker controller. I haven't cooked with it yet, but I picked up a pork butt today on sale which I plan to cook on Sunday. It has wifi built in, the controller and fan are in a single unit, and the much smaller adapter that connects the fan to the WSM means that I won't have to remove the adapter to fit the cover back on the smoker after every cook. The app that controls the new unit is not as elegant as Stokerlog (which was written and developed by a gentleman named Amir and was/is the best piece of freeware I have ever used), but looks like it will do the job. I'm going to run the Stoker alongside the new controller just to monitor and chart the cooking and meat temperatures for comparison. I will post a review on, as requested by the manufacturer, and if anyone is interested (and it's okay with Chris) I'll post a condensed version here. A review, not an ad. The Stoker, in my view, has set the bar pretty high and I'll be interested to see if the new horse can run with Secretariat.