Automate your WSM?

Using all wireless components seems to be the big innovation here. Long term success depends on rock-solid wireless connections and build quality of the units. There are a few comments from existing owners describing connection problems, short battery life, a port that won't charge Apple devices, etc.

I've dabbled in it and ended up feeling like I'm just trading one type of hassle (manual temp monitoring and adjustment) for another type of hassle (wires, WiFi connections, configuration, software glitches, etc.). But it's interesting to see from the comments just how many people want to automate their smokers.
I love gadgets as much as the next person, but I’m too hands on for my own good to break out my Billows. I think I’ve used it exactly twice while I was building my deck a few summers ago. The lovely thing about the WSM, is once she’s dialled in, there’s not much left to do once you’ve adjusted your vents, except sit back with a beverage of your choosing and wait.
People love to accessorize;-) Look at all the add-ons for almost every grill. The fact that you can pick up used WSMs cheap and add something like these for convenience and I think some more folks will be inclined to this route.
I love gadgets as much as the next person, but I’m too hands on for my own good to break out my Billows. I think I’ve used it exactly twice while I was building my deck a few summers ago. The lovely thing about the WSM, is once she’s dialled in, there’s not much left to do once you’ve adjusted your vents, except sit back with a beverage of your choosing and wait.
My sentiments exactly.....
The best WSM accessory of all time (in my opinion) is the old bbq guru party que. Which i think is still discontinued. 15 years ago, it cost around $100 , ran on 3 or 4 double A batteries, and had one wire to monitor pit temp, an on/off switch, and 2 buttons for raising/lowering the temp setting. With no other modifications, when you built a minion-method fire, in normal outdoor conditions, the Party Q could hold my 22" WSM at 225F for 10 or 12 hours easily. & I could go mow the grass or play with my kids or do whatever without concern over what the pit was doing. Just like the Pontiac Trans Am, the party que was just too cool to keep on the market, so it was discontinued. In hindsight, the Party Q was really a crutch... but I needed it at the time because it gave me the ability to not-tend the smoker for long periods of time. Now that I'm an empty-nester, I can watch the pit a lot closer without missing out on other things...

I still own a Thermo-Works Billows, and like Bradley Mack, i've only ever used it a couple of times to control temp... I'm going all natural most of the time these days so I'm not messing around with all those wires and such.. If I were to mod my 22" WSM, I'd look for a way to it run hotter. I bought an aftermarket door and gasket kit, so it's really "tight" and it really won't run over 275F or so unless there's a grease fire or its a really hot day outside... There are times when I'd like to run hotter for chicken or hot & fast pulled pork or brisket. Maybe I'll bust out the billows if the weather here in STL ever warms up and see if I can use that thing to get to a hot and fast temp...
I am a longtime subscriber to the KISS method!
And to tell the truth,the method serves me well. I don’t need to buy more “stuff”, just ordered some of the best smoke material from Fruitawood! Money well spent, sez I!
I ran a water smoker long time without an automatic temperature controller (ATC), but after trying both a Thermoworks Smoke X & Billows (with a damper) as well as a Pitmaster IQ-110, I prefer using the Pitmaster IQ. I use lump charcoal, which due to its variability can be more difficult to control temperatures of than charcoal briquettes. While the product mentioned above seems to be a good ATC, I believe there are less expensive alternatives if one does want to have automatic temperature control. Of course having an ATC does take away some of the technique and effort of running a WSM, perhaps on a level similar driving a vehicle with an automatic versus a manual transmission; to each, their own.
Today I cursed my grilleye wlan/cloud thermometer.

I broke my old phone. To pair my new phone, I would need to unpair my old phone from the thermometer. But I can't, it's broken.

I looked for their support page. Grilleye went out of business. Their free cloud feature will become a subscription.

I don't want to automate my WSM. Its a philosophical thing.
Today I cursed my grilleye wlan/cloud thermometer.

I broke my old phone. To pair my new phone, I would need to unpair my old phone from the thermometer. But I can't, it's broken.

I looked for their support page. Grilleye went out of business. Their free cloud feature will become a subscription.

I don't want to automate my WSM. Its a philosophical thing.
I understand, as I stated above, "to each their own". To automate a WSM or not is a personal choice. Though I will add that your experience with GrillEye is precisely why I shy away from devices that rely on "The Cloud" for their basic operation. Cloud-based services are a wonderful concept, but not, in my opinion, something that can always be relied upon. Many of these companies are well intentioned and have great ideas, but don't always survive.
I have been using one of the original Stoker temperature controllers since they first came out. The Stoker, and the stokerlog software I use to control it, are both discontinued relics, but they still work, and let me monitor and control the cook without having to go outside and walk the fifty feet to where my smoker sits. The setup is not necessary but at 74 I appreciate the convenience, especially in bad weather. But sometimes when cooking ribs (where I don't need to monitor the temperature of the meat) I just set up an old Maverick wireless thermometer to watch the cooking temperature. Polish_20240708_153647596.jpg

