TVWBB All-Star
I'm going to hate to see the ol' girl go!

Just called Weber CS and visited with Shawna. I asked if the new Performer Deluxe in black was the latest P vent model. She put me on hold and in a short time confirmed it was. WooHoo! Now here is what is cool. I ask if she had my account up and she did. Knowing what grills I had registered, I asked if it was possible to give a huge Weber fan a 10% discount if I ordered right now, she said she would be happy to. BOOM, DONE DEAL!
She was an absolute sweetheart, and informed that the shipper would contact me the first of the week for delivery.
I am totally stoked!

Just called Weber CS and visited with Shawna. I asked if the new Performer Deluxe in black was the latest P vent model. She put me on hold and in a short time confirmed it was. WooHoo! Now here is what is cool. I ask if she had my account up and she did. Knowing what grills I had registered, I asked if it was possible to give a huge Weber fan a 10% discount if I ordered right now, she said she would be happy to. BOOM, DONE DEAL!
She was an absolute sweetheart, and informed that the shipper would contact me the first of the week for delivery.
I am totally stoked!