Another Hurricane??


Rusty James

TVWBB Emerald Member
Things are not looking good for the east coast. :(

Florida will catch it for sure, but the storm track is expected to bring the 'cane's eye right over the middle of SC, and the western piedmont of NC, and it will be packing near-hurricane force winds. Memories of Hugo are coming to mind here. I remember Frances' and Ivan's floods as well.
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Be safe Rusty. This is going to be a rough year storm wise. Harvey beat us up real bad in Texas. Looks like Irma is going to be a real bad one too.
Rusty, the latest changes puts it right up the Florida peninsula but that will probably change. Charlie gave us 100 mph winds in 2004 and even if it misses us a little I'm still expecting at least 100 again. The generator is in the garage and was tuned up in June. Except for getting the plywood out of the shed and putting it up we are prepared. My son-in-law and grandson will be out Saturday morning to board up the windows. We never flood here so the only concern is the wind and I know we'll lose power. We'll be fine.

My son lives in Wake Forest NC and he's already prepared. Good luck to you up there. Water in the washing machine - why not? Use it to flush toilets.
Everyone in the path, whichever path it takes, be safe!
People around here are losing their minds! Tractor Supply's are getting cussed at because they don't have any generators.
And forget bottled water. One of my customers had about 20 cases of bottled water in the back of his truck. Another had 2 cases of water, plus 2 cases of instant ramen and canned soup. He was too young to understand when I asked him where his Tang was! :p
Rusty, the latest changes puts it right up the Florida peninsula but that will probably change. Charlie gave us 100 mph winds in 2004 and even if it misses us a little I'm still expecting at least 100 again. The generator is in the garage and was tuned up in June. Except for getting the plywood out of the shed and putting it up we are prepared. My son-in-law and grandson will be out Saturday morning to board up the windows. We never flood here so the only concern is the wind and I know we'll lose power. We'll be fine.

My son lives in Wake Forest NC and he's already prepared. Good luck to you up there. Water in the washing machine - why not? Use it to flush toilets.

I just saw the updated 'cane path, and it looks as if this thing may miss NC except for the western-most area of the state. Looks like FL, GA, and TN are in for the big ride.

Good that you're prepared, Lew. I'd hate to be fighting for supplies at this late date if I lived near the coast.
People around here are losing their minds! Tractor Supply's are getting cussed at because they don't have any generators.
And forget bottled water. One of my customers had about 20 cases of bottled water in the back of his truck. Another had 2 cases of water, plus 2 cases of instant ramen and canned soup. He was too young to understand when I asked him where his Tang was! :p

I can imagine, Phil.

I was living in Gaston County when Hugo hit, and I never saw such destruction in my life. I was headed to work that morning, and every road to the workplace was covered in trees, low-hanging traffic lights - even a car flipped vertical (nose down) in a root hole when a large oak tree blew over. The car must have been parked right under the tree for that to happen.

Given your experience today, those folks no doubt had Hugo on their minds, too, including the many power outages that lasted for weeks in the outlying areas. I heard that over 90% of Gaston County, alone, was without power for days. A local Nationwide agent said he was called every name in the book when folks found out their homeowner's policy did not cover freezer contents. The grills and smokers sure were active that week.

Some how, thankfully, I never lost power, and I was able to power a neighbor's fridge with a long drop cord for a while.

Hugo was the first storm that I had ever endured with hurricane, or near-hurricane force winds. Charlotte took the worst of it because the eye passed through Gaston County, and the winds are always worst to the east of the eye. All other hurricanes in my lifetime were mainly rain events. Camille dumped a lot of rain around Moss Lake, and almost destroyed the not-yet-finished dam almost 50 years ago.
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Thinking about all of you in the path of these things. Harvey, Irma and now Jose is lurking out there too. What a year.
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Well, it looks like the storm is tracking even more to the west according to the latest reports. Looks like Atlanta and Nashville is in the direct path now. I don't ever recall seeing a storm track straight up the middle of Florida with such wind speed, although I'm sure it's happened before.

The next few days will be interesting for sure.
Looking like an almost worst-case scenario for eastern FL, being just to the eastern edge of the wall. I just hope she picks up speed and moves through quickly.
This is going to be a mess. Currently, almost all of the post storm resources from around the country are in Texas and are far from completing what is needed down here. Things are going to be stretched to the limits over the coming weeks.
Everyone in the path, whichever path it takes, be safe!
People around here are losing their minds! Tractor Supply's are getting cussed at because they don't have any generators.
And forget bottled water. One of my customers had about 20 cases of bottled water in the back of his truck. Another had 2 cases of water, plus 2 cases of instant ramen and canned soup. He was too young to understand when I asked him where his Tang was! :p

Do they still make Tang?
I saw this tip for water storage, once frozen they help keep the freezer cold too.

That's a good idea, Bob.

Maybe I could store them in the (bleached?) washing machine since my freezers are full of TVWBB meat.

Actually, I'd like to have a special (large) container for drinking water. And I suppose one could fill a rain barrel for toilet use too.
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