An Arse Whuppin Occurred


Bill Schultz

TVWBB Hall of Fame
And I loved it.

So the CEO and her Brother and SIL and a few others have been at the house for some of my recent cooks and I got rave reviews. I told the CEO she has been slacking as of late.
Then I threw the gauntlet and said I am going to pick an ingredient and you cook it. She said fine, I said it will be a chance for you to shine! She just gave me the Italian CEO stare.

She gave no quarter, she went full Italian. I picked Lamb Neck Bones. If you never had them they are superb if cooked right.
She used this recipe with her own modifications of course.

She changed the tomatoes to diced fire roasted tomatoes. She used Beef Broth 3/4 cup, because she knew it would be dry with just the tomatoes and it is a dish very similar to one of her Mom's. She also used Cannellini Beans instead of fresh green as we had none.

As it came out of the oven


The table


The plate



I should have known better but I have that German stubbornness in me, besides, I just ate one of the most delicious things I have ever had.
There is method to my madness I tell you
It was the CEO's time to shine and she didn't disappoint, ill take a plate anytime.

Everyone needs a tune-up occasionally. If you are going to get one, that looks like a pretty good option (personally I think you are crazy... like a fox). I would tell you to tell her she did a good job but she already knows that doesn't she? Where do you get lamb neck bones?


I think you got it figured John, and the neck bones were available at my local Shop Rite Grocery. If you can get them they are cheap and literally the best tasting Lamb meat you will have. The word for me is lamb succulent
Bill... Very gracious of you to share the "spotlight"... "sitelight?" with your wife! That dish looks delicious. Will definitely save that recipe and give it a try!
Your CEO sure knows her way around good food. I've called out my wife a few times and as always I've promptly been put back in my place.

