Achieved my only New Year's resolution: Bone-in Beef Short Ribs


Chris Allingham

Staff member
I'll be writing an article about these for The Virtual Weber Bullet at some point, but Mr. Lampe asked for pictures, so pictures you'll get, at least a few for now.

I only cooked half of this package. Applied salt & pepper overnight, smoked at 225-275*F for about 5 hours until 185*F internal temp. 190*F might have been even better.





woo-ee those look good! Nice color and smoke ring there.

I have never done a cook with anything on the bottom grate. Do you find the drippings from whatevers on top makes the stuff on bottom greasy or anything? or does it make it better
Chris when you first posted about these, I was wondering how they would turn out. Looks like they turned out pretty darn good! Looking forward to the article.
Oh my gracious goodness , do those look good. Absolutely one of my top 5 favorite foods.
Nice job , brother !:wsm:
Happy to see that your new year's resolutions are something worth keeping......and keeping them so quickly to boot.

That cooked pic on the grill really looks good......................
HolyBalls! If Those Are SHORT Ribs, I'd L♥VE To See The L O N G Ribs!
Hope you had help eetin' all that, i know it's tough to finish even a half rack of beef ribs (never done it).
Chris, They Look SPECTACULAR!!
Why, may i ask, was this a New Year's resolution?
Does anyone know where to find beef ribs like that (not gouged out)? I've seen them at walmart but they have almost no meat on them.
What Bob said, that really does look nice and meaty!!! I know what I am going to look for my next visit to Restaurant Depot!

