Aaron Franklin video series on YouTube

I enjoyed the videos and liked the brisket presentation. Not sure about all that butter on the turkey though. He does present very well.
Thanks Chris.
Thanks for posting Aaron's video series, Chris. A different (stickburner's) perspective is always something to appreciate.

I learned from the brisket prep video that I tend to under-trim and OVER-rub, and I keep on forgetting why I bought this BIG role of butcher paper a while back!
Pretty interesting. Good find. I sense a run on flexible boning knives and 12" slicers.
I had to laugh at your comments - I felt an immediate need to check those knives out. We're pitifully suggestive, aren't we:rolleyes:...

Thanks for the reference. Definitely some useful information. As a fan of the Pitmaster series, Franklin apparently knows his way around a barbeque. I would sure like to try his restaurant menu sometime. However, it probably won't happen due to the distance between Ohio and Texas. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to smoke my own:wsm:

Franklins stuff looks awesome. But...I have been stalking him for a while and he likes to change up his cooking methods depending on who he is being interviewed by. Could just be me but I have seen him say he smokes around *250 but then other interviews where the temp gauge reads over *300 (and this is for briskets, not other cuts) Seems like an awesome guy though. I MUST KNOW HIS SECRETS!!!
Franklins stuff looks awesome. But...I have been stalking him for a while and he likes to change up his cooking methods depending on who he is being interviewed by. Could just be me but I have seen him say he smokes around *250 but then other interviews where the temp gauge reads over *300 (and this is for briskets, not other cuts) Seems like an awesome guy though. I MUST KNOW HIS SECRETS!!!

As for cooking temp, it really depends on the size of the cooker, and I think he even said as much, that you could cook hotter on a bigger cooker. So I wouldn't be surprised if he likes to target 300* in his larger smokers for his restaurant. That's a pretty small offset though, (maybe even 16"?) so a 250* target makes a lot of sense for a brisket (sans foil).
I've been there a few times and it is certainly worth the wait! The brisket is absurd, but to me, his ribs are out of the park. He has a nice thick course rub on there that really pops when you bite into them.

For those in the ny area, there's a BBQ place in Williamsburg called delaney bbq that is run by a guy is kinda a deciple of Aaron's. He even purchased on of his pits! His brisket is pricey, but legit!
For those in the ny area, there's a BBQ place in Williamsburg called delaney bbq that is run by a guy is kinda a deciple of Aaron's. He even purchased on of his pits! His brisket is pricey, but legit!

You should do a restaurant review in the BBQ Restaurant Directory. When folks travel around they may review your write up to determine if they might want to stop by for a taste.
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I was lucky enough to try Franklin's BBQ last month during a business trip. I was reluctant to go because I heard the wait in line was LONG. Then I started asking locals if the place lived up to the hype. This was at 9am. The common answer I received was -- GET IN LINE NOW, YOU WON'T REGRET IT. BUT LEAVE NOW! I'm from NJ where there is amazing pizza on every corner, but a dearth of good BBQ. I figured, I better go try Franklin's or I'll regret it later.

Needless to say the wait to get food was 3 hours. But standing in line at Franklin's reminded me of when I was young and used to show up early at TicketMaster to stand in line for concert tickets. The wait was enjoyable, everyone in line was happy and glad to be waiting for some magnificent BBQ. People had coolers of beer, lawn chairs, music, etc. etc. It's probably one of life's better lines to wait in.

So was it worth the long wait - HELL YES. The brisket was all that's written about it and more, but big surprise to me, Franklin's BBQ turkey is out of this world. Everyone I asked about the joint said one thing: "Get the turkey, trust me." In line, when I asked people what was good, same answer - Turkey! I was standing maybe 20 people away from the door and when they asked me what I planned to eat - Turkey and Brisket - the answer was: "You're the last person we can guarantee will get turkey." The doors would still not open for 1 hour and they had already sold out of turkey. Crazy. The turkey was a succulent slab of breast meat that had been swimming around in some kind of clarified butter goodness. Seasonings - salt and pepper. It was every bit as good as the brisket, moist, flavorful, brilliant. There was BBQ sauce on the table, but the meat was so good I gobbled it all down and then thought - oh crap, I forgot to try the sauce.

Earlier in the week, I had tried Iron Works BBQ, but to be honest, it paled in comparison. When I was at Iron Works I thought to myself: Ok this is good, but on a decent day, I can make this in my backyard. When I took the first bite of Franklin's food, I thought: I could never reproduce this if all I had to do from now till the end of time was cook.

Needless to say, I've watched the Franklin BBQ videos a bunch of times since I've been there.

On another note - thanks to whomever linked the info about delaneybbq in Brooklyn. That's my old neighborhood, so I'm definately going to make a trip there soon and see how it stacks up to Franklin's.
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You should do a restaurant review in the "BBQ restaurant Directory"

I started an entry for Franklin Barbecue after visiting in March 2012. Anyone who visits can add their 2 cents worth, photos, etc. to that entry: http://tvwbb.com/showthread.php?29739-Texas-gt-Austin-Franklin-BBQ

I would encourage people to add restaurants to this list, either local joints or places you visit while travelling.

And if you see a place on the list that's closed, let me know so I can update.

N dell... Iron works is one of those places that gets by on reputation only, similar to salt lick. I'll have to try the turkey on my next venture. I usually stick to fatty brisket, pp, ribs and sausage.

Back on topic, the videos arent anything earth shattering in regards to his brisket. If you've scoured the net,myou pave prob seen about 90% of what's contained in the videos posted throughout msg forums and YouTube videos. It's just laid out in a much cleaner, easy to interpret manner now. IMO, the biggest nugget of info is him trimming the brisket. There's been a ton of debate on other sites as to just how much he trims his, if at all. That mystery has now been debunked.

