A quick lunch at work



This weekend we decided to do some Kielbasa and Sauerkraut for lunch at work.
I loaded up the car with the basics.

The SJ box is about six years old now, just don't have the heart to pitch it.
We fired up the grill at about noon

After about forty minutes we ate like kings.

Stadium mustard and horseradish. It doesn't get much better at work.

Unless you add a little bit of ribs that we reheated from the day before.
You are correct! We never have that kind of stuff at work. Imagine the productivity gains with a little kielbasa and sauerkraut!
I got in trouble once for doing just that once upon a time. Scolding from the boss's daughter, Boss didn't mind a bit!
Now, I want some sausages!
Today I went to Bingomart and found an On The Go Gas for $15 bucks. Not the best grill, but I can fire off dogs or burgers more often without the tell tail spent coal pile in the gravel.

