I say 7-month, but if you count from the time from when Larry sold me this grill in October 2020, it has been well over 2 years that this grill has waited for a new lease on life!
To chronicle the last steps, in hopes that this meandering thread will be of help to future restorers, here are the last things I completed:
1.) Worked on the manifold. I was able to open one valve and do the full cleaning and lubrication steps found here on a great video Chris recorded doing this on his identical Summit and based on Larry's
@LMichaels method. Unfortunately, the other three burner valve head screws didn't want to budge. I was in no mood to strip them and went with the more basic cleaning and externally applied lubricant. Happily, they all work fine, and on this Summit, they lock up and down in three positions as marked on the control panel.
I also cleaned and applied POR-15 to the exterior of the manifold. There wasn't a lot of rust, but you can see that it was needed in the trouble spots such as the bracket and where the igniters go:
With the POR-15 applied I don't expect anything to worry about for a long time.
2.) After the manifold dried, I installed two new igniter sets. You can still buy a double set specifically for this Summit, but they are pricey and just like the ones for a Genesis x000. I had those in stock, so I used a pair of them:
One little issue with adding those stainless-steel reinforcements is that the metal is now thicker that the igniter's bendable holding clip has to go though. It was still enough to work adequately:
3.) With the igniters done, it was on to the fun stuff of installing the knobs and front trim panel.
I couldn't leave well enough alone and added some red to the "mountain top" in the Summit logo. I think it ties in with the red kettle on the Weber logo.
The last step was waiting on flavorizer bars. Larry gave me a very useable set of high grade stainless bars, but I had to push this project all the way over the top

. So, the old set will ultimately be cleaned up and stored away along with some other extra parts I have been cleaning and carefully boxing up for future needs. I will have a drip tray (can you believe it that you can actually STILL buy one of these?!!!), a set of burners, an upper rack, and these extra flavorizer bars.
To get replacements, I reached out to Dave Santana (aka "rcplanebuyer"). He told me that I was right that these bars are identical in length to the shorter ones used on 13-bar Genesis grills. However, Dave said that he makes those in 16 gauge while the Summit ones are a thicker 14 gauge. It was good to touch base with Dave, and we even had a nice phone conversation. Dave says that he has made a couple sets of his famous grates for people who pursued him for them. However, the current price for a set of Genesis x000/Silver/Gold grates is now $250, plus shipping. Dave knows that is a non-starter for most people, and he doesn't want to advertise that he makes them for that reason. But, if you can afford them, he will make them. Dave made and shipped my flavorizer bars lightning fast.
I was very excited to get these as this was THE LAST STEP! Dave's flavorizers were, as usual, top drawer:
Oh, and you probably saw earlier above my humorous fiasco with the Weber handle light. Well, my wife years ago bought me a stainless-steel movable light which I have been using on my Skyline. I cleaned it up, and now have a workable night grilling solution. Funny thing is that this Summit's shelves are real 304, non-magnetic stainless, so this light has to just sit in the shelf, its magnet being of no help!
So, she is DONE! A dream at long last realized.