21.11# Rosh Hashanah smoked brisket coming up - Sat night overnight cook

Getting ready for dinner service.

Rounded out the servings with a sweet noodle kugel (this is like crack, just sayin).


And kasha varnishkes, a taste from the old world (Ukraine to be specific).

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And the cook chart for those who missed the live broadcast. Overall an easy cook with a few interesting points. I’ll do a post mortem tomorrow after we chow into this brisket and I get the gang’s feedback.

Thanks for following along. Hopefully you picked up a piece or two of information you can use in your next brisket cook.

I think I put on about 10lbs. just looking at the pictures! And I'm tired after all that work that I didn't do. Amazing work, Brett.

I'm ready for a nap.
Thank you, @Ed P. I’m in a meat coma right now. And tired from two days on my feet cooking. I’m guessing flip flops weren’t my best choice for supporting my feet 😂
I think the chef needs a larger plate! It all looks wonderful. Nice job.
Chef likes to taste all the food. So when dinner comes around, truth is I’ve already eaten it all to ensure proper seasoning and flavor profiles for the guests. It’s weird how dinner can be anticlimactic sometimes.

BUT, this brisket was killer. I really like Choice over Prime for some reason. I’m guessing because I left more cap on it all around which made eating each slice that much better.

Many thanks for the kind words. I do enjoy making these larger cooks. I enjoy a full table of family and friends.
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I still need to add my notes here which I will get done.

Here’s the post cook coals compare pic. The WSK is a fuel miser. Cook ran over 14 hours total burn time. Lots of leftover fuel.



I’m not a huge baker but I did whip up these round challas. Fresh apples inside and assorted raisins too.

These were a big hit with the crowd. I was too lazy to do the outside egg wash. Maybe next time.



These were a big hit with the crowd. I was too lazy to do the outside egg wash. Maybe next time. I find that hard to believe with all of the stuff you made. Time to recruit helpers. Challah's need the gloss!
These were a big hit with the crowd. I was too lazy to do the outside egg wash. Maybe next time. I find that hard to believe with all of the stuff you made. Time to recruit helpers. Challah's need the gloss!
yeah, daughter was supposed to be my challah helper. that didn't come to fruition. getting good help is quite hard these days. i spent 3 days on my feet cooking this meal, plus the 3 weeks making pickles (not hard work but still managing a project) of which the pickles were amazing if i may say so. i'll get the gloss done next time as it will aid in visual presentation and help the interior a little as the challas cool.

thank YOU, Joe, for all your feedback and interest in this cook. as you can tell, i do enjoy making these meals and keeping our traditions alive. maybe one day i'll be the guest at my kids' table(s) and take in all my life's work before me. one day. one day.
Your dedication to feeding the family is amazing, started with pickles! I’m a one dish wonder 😂. Very impressive to say the least(y)(y):)

