2005 Blue Genesis Platinum

Your right Ed here it is with burner on for 5 minutes, it does oxidize and improve. It will probably look better the longer I run it.

@Samuel Blue Platinum Side Burner pic 9.jpg
That's got to be some sort of brass or bronze alloy. We used to use this alloy called silicon bronze for bearing material and it has that kind of look. If you ever want to experiment with thermal conductivity, hold one edge with your fingertips and stick the opposite edge in a flame and see how long you can hold it. I imagine it is some sort of alloy that conducts heat really well. The thermal conductivity of silicon bronze is greater than that of aluminum, for example.
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B073T2C1BM/?tag=tvwb-20use something like this with the flitz if you still want to try and polish that cap. It won't get the deep scratches out though.
Thanks Steve, I believe I have those very items in my Dremel kit. and It also came with some polish of it's own. After running the burner for hour the Trivet totally oxidized. It looks ok baring some deep scratches. I think I will just live with that for now. I have already put more time into it then I would have liked.

And Ed you were right it did improve once totally oxidized.

@Samuel Blue Platinum Side Burner pic 10.jpg@Samuel Blue Platinum Side Burner pic 11.jpg
It is a lot of work - and sometimes frustrating - but your custom grill looks to be about there. Congrats! I hope I survive to make it out of tax preparation prison and start working on my custom project using the parts you traded with me. Hopefully, we will have two cool grills instead of each have leftover parts laying around :cool: !
I love that gold burner cap. I hope it stays that and doesn't discolor after one burn. Thumbs up on the black knobs and end handles. (y)
I agree. Some people have a way with cameras and photos. Me, not so much.
Yes Jon Thanks, I am getting close, but I still need to make time to do the lid. I just have not decided if I want to strip down the Lid end caps to their bare bones yet. I think I may still have to buy the paint too.
You know Bruce I like it too now. I think I will keep it on. It is something different and that is another reason I like it.
If you can save the original paint on the end caps, I would, but if there is any flaking or peeling, you will be best off stripping them. The flaking and peeling areas would probably continue and it looks horrible when painted over. If you can get them stripped and powder coated, that would be awesome for a personal grill.
Samuel: Are we talking about lid end caps or the frame end caps? I was addressing the lid end caps in my previous post.
Bruce, I just wanted to tell you that I really liked your Skyline Platinum you put in a a lot of work into that one. I really like the bottom especially. I wish I had the skill to weld the bottom of mine like that. I have a welder that is a friend of my daughter's that I might be able to hit up to do the welds for me but I still have to acquire the wire rack. Some of the Silver C parts I am using now for my mod I took off of a Silver C that I had picked over the summer but stupid me I did not keep the wire rack before I gave to my local scrapper. I am still kicking myself on that one.
Bruce, I just wanted to tell you that I really liked your Skyline Platinum you put in a a lot of work into that one. I really like the bottom especially. I wish I had the skill to weld the bottom of mine like that. I have a welder that is a friend of my daughter's that I might be able to hit up to do the welds for me but I still have to acquire the wire rack. Some of the Silver C parts I am using now for my mod I took off of a Silver C that I had picked over the summer but stupid me I did not keep the wire rack before I gave to my local scrapper. I am still kicking myself on that one.
Jon: ugggghhhh, those wire racks are right up there with grease pans and control panels as far as "hard to come by" parts. The rack I actually have on my grill is not in very good shape. I didn't even bother to redo it yet as I would like to find a better one for my personal grill. Last year I had to do a couple of my grills with trex type bottoms.

You can connect 1" tubing with connectors and bolts. You do not have to weld.
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Joe, I have done many grills with those, but since I got my welder, I prefer going that route for a more permanent fix in most cases. Especially on my SS Platinum since those connectors are not stainless and would likely become a problem down the road. They may hold up for 20 years, but they would rust eventually and rust dripping down over SS parts will stain.

