2005 Blue Genesis Platinum

I think what you do is a great undertaking and very worthwhile. I think you are giving people a perfect cost-effective alternative to the tin junk sitting out in front of the big box stores.

I also like the idea of being part of preserving worthwhile Weber grills that have historical significance. So, bringing back something like a late 1980s Genesis or Genesis Jr. to as close to original as possible wouldn’t fit with your model because of cost and labor time. But it still has merit of its own, at least in my view. I think there is room - and need - for both types of grill restoration. I actually want to do more of both.
Jon, I could not agree more. I have admired and learned so much from the perfectionists here. I did the Genesis 5, Wolf, and Viking as close as I could to bringing them back to show room condition. It was an eye opening experience to say the least. And even though the Gen 5 was a much more beautiful grill, I spend less time and made more than twice as much on the other 2;-) Dam wood work;-)
Yes that is it Roy. I attached a gas tank to it and attempted to turn on the burners and I was getting no gas. I had left it exposed without burners for 2 months so I wonder if I got something clogged in the lines. I took the hose of the tank and I blew into it and then the burners in the firebox worked however I am not getting any gas to my side burner. I checked to see if I was getting spark on the side burner and I was. I tried a match anyways and I am not getting any gas coming threw the side burner. I do not have a compressor but I do have an air tank. I think I will go to the gas station and get some air to blow threw the side burner hose to. I attempted to blow threw it with my mouth but I could not reach because it was to deep in there. maybe I will try a straw first.
Thanks to @Roy-Parallax for finding me the SS Trivet. I just received it Roy. Here it is in all it's glory. The ring cover you sent I will see if I can restore it, but in the mean time I will use my black ring cover. However I like how it looks matching my black burner knob.

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If you should need the rest of the side burner, I can send it. Would probably require a large flat rate box so the postage would be something just north of $20. Perhaps it was a mistake not to send all of it, as it would have elevated postage only by about $5.
Thanks Roy. Mine has not rusted I just need to get it to work. I am thinking I should be ok, but I will keep you in mind.
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Question: Do your side burners turn past the middle high indicator to low. Mine does not. I blew out the burner orifice and I am still not getting gas to my side burner. Still unable to lite it. Any suggestions on what to check and what might be my issue. The burners in the firebox work fine. I believe I am getting spark. Just no gas.

@Samuel Blue Platinum Side Burner pic 1.jpg@Samuel Blue Platinum Side Burner pic 2.jpg@Samuel Blue Platinum Burners pic 3.jpg
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Question: Do your side burners turn past the middle high indicator to low. Mine does not. I blew out the burner orifice and I am still not getting gas to my side burner. Still unable to lite it. Any suggestions on what to check and what might be my issue. The burners in the firebox work fine. I believe I am getting spark. Just no gas.

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Mine turns to low. Have you tried dismantling and cleaning the valve? Here's an old thread with a video that makes it easy. Just be careful not to strip the little screws or lose them or the springs.

You were right it was the valve. I did not have a black knob for the side burner and I cut the stem off of one to make it short to fit onto the valve of the side burner, and it would not go down. So I forced it to go down and when I did that the valve was stuck on off. The valve stem I cut short was not getting a grip on the valve so when I was turning the knob the inner part of the stem was stripped. Thus when I turned the knob with valve stuck, only the knob was turning. I unstuck the valve and then the valve turned and emitted gas and I was able to lite it. I think I am going to cut another black knob or else go back to my OEM grey knobs. I will let you know my results when I cut another knob. Thanks for your thought and reply. It helped me solve my issue.
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Well I found these OEM Genesis Silver C knobs that I had dyed black and they have the proper short stemmed side burner knob. All is Good now. Thanks again Roy. These Knobs are like the one you see on @Bruce Skyline Platinum. I kinda like the look.

@Samuel Blue Platinum Side Burner pic 5.jpg@Samuel Blue Platinum Side Burner pic 6.jpg@Samuel Blue Platinum Side Burner pic 7.jpg
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Received my Broil King Wheels for my Platinum. They are a definite upgrade over the OEM ones. I will have to install them when it gets warmer. Thanks @Bill Pudim for the suggestion.

@Samuel Blue Platinum Wheels pic 1.jpg
I cleaned the Stainless Steel Ring Cap with Bar Keepers Friend and it left my Ring Cap Yellow. This stuff is crap everything it turns yellow. I tried some Mother's Mag Wheel polish to see if i could get the color to come back. NoGo. I tried using some 3000 grit sand paper. NoGo. I am not using that stuff to clean SS anymore. I am throwing that bottle in the trash

SS Ring Cap.jpg
I cleaned the Stainless Steel Ring Cap with Bar Keepers Friend and it left my Ring Cap Yellow. This stuff is crap everything it turns yellow. I tried some Mother's Mag Wheel polish to see if i could get the color to come back. NoGo. I tried using some 3000 grit sand paper. NoGo. I am not using that stuff to clean SS anymore. I am throwing that bottle in the trash

View attachment 46988
You shore it is SS and not a brass alloy? I gone through many cans of the stuff and never had it turn anything yellow.
You shore it is SS and not a brass alloy? I gone through many cans of the stuff and never had it turn anything yellow.
I wonder Joe,
I took a dremel tool sander to it and only made things worse. I tried buffing out by hand sanding I just made it worse.

Ring Cap pic 2.jpg
Yeah, if you're going to use a dremel tool on that kind of stuff you should use the soft polishing heads. Flitz is a great metal polish btw for that kind of work.
This is what Roy's looks like and because I saw it I thought it was stainless steel but maybe not.

@Roy-Parallax  Blue Platinum pic 3.jpg

