$2.98 Tri Tip



TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
I didn't have a lot of hope for this and I took some serious smack from my son for shopping at the competition. It tasted amazing, and what's more important than that?


Going on (Oak)


Can you get there from here?





Yes you can (imho)



My plate


yeah yeah yeah, I had a salad


Perhaps more medium than medium rare, but being $2.98 didn't want to take any chances

Some short sizzle videos


Hope everyone is having a good weekend, prayers for our brothers on the right coast, you're having way too much storm fun...
I'd love to have a few slices of that. I see you used Oak, how'd you prep the meat?

It's usually >$6-$8 here

Wow Clint, That's really expensive ... But and there's alway's a big butt in there i will be buying some T-T at that price the first of next month but it's veal tri-tip and that's straight from the butcher
I see you used Oak, how'd you prep the meat?
I used Grill Mates Montreal Steak marinade. I really like this marinade for Tri Tip

Guess we'll see if a WSM can ever get burned out eh? :)
It takes a beating :) So far, the only thing broken on it was the door handle, it melted off. I use a SS bolt now

Thanks everyone. I kind of wish I bought several now. It was so cheap I didn't think it would be any good, it actually was quite good, even the salad :)
Way to go, Chuck! That's some fine looking Tri-Tip.
Think I'll start working with live fire, too.
Great looking dinner, Chuck. And you weren't kidding...that's one heck of a salad :)

Great looking Tri-tip, and I'd shop at my enemy's store if they were discounting all their good cuts.

