1987 Genesis II Redhead

Why do you think the seller added it? Odd how one has never been seen in the "wild" and now 2 of these oddballs show up
I think the side burner was added because the color of the knob is not the same as the ones on the control panel but again it's just my guess. If it is the original one then it looks like the seller took really good care of it. And yah, it is weird that these are showing up just now.
Nah, too far away and I just picked up an 05 Genny Platinum C that I have to work on.

That is another historical one for sure. It it good that is across the country from me! All I need is another grill to add to my collection. If I got my hands on that one it would have to be a permanent collection piece, and I would probably have to sleep with it:eek:!
Genesis Wide Slat

Hello guys. First post here. I am working on a genesis 3000 and this site has been very helpful. Thanks to all. I have a question about the genesis wide slat version. I have the chance to buy one myself, it appears to be 100% complete and in working order. I see that these appear to be pretty hard to come by. What would be a good purchase price? Don't plan on flipping it at all just wanna redo it someday also. The rarity factor makes me want to buy it for sure. I like having stuff that other people want LOL.
Larry, if it is really something you want and in good shape where you won't have to put a lot into it, I would suggest to stay under $100. But, better yet, if you don't have to have it "NOW", then wait for a cheaper one to pop up. While you are the guy that likes to have stuff others want, I am just a cheap ***.

Let us know what you decide.
Hello guys. First post here. I am working on a genesis 3000 and this site has been very helpful. Thanks to all. I have a question about the genesis wide slat version. I have the chance to buy one myself, it appears to be 100% complete and in working order. I see that these appear to be pretty hard to come by. What would be a good purchase price? Don't plan on flipping it at all just wanna redo it someday also. The rarity factor makes me want to buy it for sure. I like having stuff that other people want LOL.


Bruce is our ace “flipper” and probably by far the most knowledgeable about market values. I guess I am the sentimental collector in the group, so having one of these would be the cat’s meow to me. ;)

I say get it and restore it with attention to keeping it original. Or, bring it to Florida when it gets cold and maybe I can buy it from you and help cover some of your vacation travel!

I have tried to finagle getting one of these but to no avail. The long distance sellers don’t want to disassemble and ship even if I cover their cost and pay extra:(.
Jon, I am sure grill values vary a lot by area of the country as well as your location in proximity to a more dense population area. I just learned early on that if you really want something, you can likely get it for less if you simply practice patience. Of course, there are those very rare models that don't pop up very often, but like when I was looking for my Blue head. I found only one last year all year near me, but it was $70 and about 100 miles away. I passed. Now, I have purchased 4 of them this year and paid no more than $25 for any one of them.

Maybe when I tire of doing my rehabs, I switch more to your approach and look for some really unique models to rehab and keep. Like a skyline or a Snap On.
Maybe when I tire of doing my rehabs, I switch more to your approach and look for some really unique models to rehab and keep. Like a skyline or a Snap On.


Maybe when I have absolutely no more room for dream projects and nostalgia I will finally sell more than I buy:rolleyes:!
Hello, first post here...

I am restoring a couple of old Weber Genesis grills, and a quick Google search for info brought me here.

I have three genesis redheads, one is inherited from my father, and is very similar to the OPs grill. (The reason I'm jumping into this thread) It was a Christmas present to Dad from Mom in the '80s. I remember helping put it together, and it was the first Weber gas grill I had ever seen.

The second was a Christmas present from my girlfriend back in '92. Of course, I married her the next summer! In addition to the swing up table and work surface on the left, both narrow slats, the right side had a wire basket that you were supposed to put your spices and sauces in while you were grilling.

The third was rescued from the dump several years ago by a friend who worked as a Sanitation Engineer in a well to do area. It's similar to Dad's except it has a side burner instead of the work surface on the right side. It is kind of a Frankengrill because a lot of parts were missing, so other parts were used, like some Durawood work surfaces. However, it retains the east/ west boards on the lower level, but Dad's boards have a groove cut into them top to make the single wide board appear to be two narrow boards. Interestingly, like Dad's, the interior of the lid has no provisions for the swinging lid basket, so at least that part is older.

Anyway, I have no need for three grills on the deck, so I am in the process of restoring the second and third unit, using the best parts to make one grill. After it's done, I'll restore Dad's grill.

I would love to see a couple photos of the grills. Any chance you could do that? Then maybe some photos as your rebuilds progress. we love photos on this forum.

You came to the right place for advice and help with your restores. A great bunch of guys/gals here and always willing to answer questions and make suggestions.
Waddaya mean no need for 3 grills?! OF COURSE you have need to 3 grills. Or like in my case one HUGE monster and one "normal" one
I would love to see a couple photos of the grills. Any chance you could do that? Then maybe some photos as your rebuilds progress. we love photos on this forum.

You came to the right place for advice and help with your restores. A great bunch of guys/gals here and always willing to answer questions and make suggestions.

Sure can! Work has begun on the first two, so I can only give a picture of a pile of parts, but Dad's grill is still complete. I will take some pics later as well as some comparison pictures showing some differences in the models.

Waddaya mean no need for 3 grills?! OF COURSE you have need to 3 grills. Or like in my case one HUGE monster and one "normal" one

LOL. Actually, the wife has decreed that "There Shall Not Be Three Grills On The Deck!"

BTW, I had a fourth one that came from the same place as the third one, and it is doing duty behind our shanty at work. It's a Greenhead and it's in pretty rough shape. I'll snap a pic of that when it gets light out.

If the OP is still monitoring this thread, let me know if you want me to jump off. I thought I'd keep it here as the grills are from the same time frame. Great restore on yours BTW!

You really need to demonstrate the need for her. Show her how cooking multiple courses REQUIRES multiple grills. Explain how heavy smoke does not taste good in the potatoes and the desert So meat course on one, taters and other veg on another and desert (rotisserie pineapple) on the 3rd. Ya gotta learn to convince her through her taste buds. Mine gives me no trouble now :D
Sure can! Work has begun on the first two, so I can only give a picture of a pile of parts, but Dad's grill is still complete. I will take some pics later as well as some comparison pictures showing some differences in the models.

LOL. Actually, the wife has decreed that "There Shall Not Be Three Grills On The Deck!"

BTW, I had a fourth one that came from the same place as the third one, and it is doing duty behind our shanty at work. It's a Greenhead and it's in pretty rough shape. I'll snap a pic of that when it gets light out.

If the OP is still monitoring this thread, let me know if you want me to jump off. I thought I'd keep it here as the grills are from the same time frame. Great restore on yours BTW!


Gerry: Feel free to start another "build" thread of your own. That way you can keep us posted as your project(s) progress.

