Search results

  1. J Hasselberger

    Spatchcock That Bird

    Why is it that a free Turkey always tastes better than any other? Enjoy, (In the middle of recording album #5, btw.)
  2. J Hasselberger

    Spatchcock That Bird

    Last year, I went with Chris' "Butterflied Turkey - Salted" recipe It was great, so we're doing it again this year. A couple of tips: Get yourself some serious shears to cut out the spine. See the photo below for bad boys that are...
  3. J Hasselberger

    Seeking some chicken wings recipes

    This has been our go-to wing recipe for years now, with a modification or two. I set up the kettle like Timothy above, but I make an HD foil catch pan that fills the space between the baskets. Makes the cleanup much easier. The longer you...
  4. J Hasselberger

    Trying to understand lid-up grilling

    If I’m just doing a couple of burgers or chicken breasts, I use a Q1200. Preheat it to about 400 with the lid down then cook with the lid up. A 5 Oz. burger takes about 6 minutes. Tasty burger every time. Jeff
  5. J Hasselberger

    Wings - need advice.

    We've been doing wings using a variation of Steve Raichlen's Buffaque Wings recipe for years and have them every couple of months. They are exceptional with cold beer. Follow the recipe for the marinade (we use Frank's Hot Sauce). Overnight...
  6. J Hasselberger

    Salt-Free Rubs

    I do the same, but I have a question for you: Do you vary the amount of salt depending on the cur of meat? For instance, do you use less salt percentage on a rack of ribs than on a pork butt? Jeff
  7. J Hasselberger

    How long does your WSM run on a single load of fuel?

    I may have to reconsider my Minion setup and pack the lit coals together. In the way back days, I often set a coffee can with both ends removed in the middle of the unlit coals, then dumped the lit coals into it and then yanked the can straight up and out, leaving the lit coals tight and buried...
  8. J Hasselberger

    How long does your WSM run on a single load of fuel?

    A possibility. I usually just put the smoke wood on top of the unlit and then just make sure that at least couple of lit coals touch each piece of wood. Perhaps one didn't take fire until a few hours later. I don't bury any chunks in the unlit. I'll consider that issue more in the future. Jeff
  9. J Hasselberger

    How long does your WSM run on a single load of fuel?

    I like the shake n bake idea, especially if it keeps the cook temp even. I had a strange one over the past weekend. I put an 11 pound butt on at 11:00pm and got it stabilized at 250-ish then went to bed, as usual. I use an iGrill and like that it tracks the temp while you sleep, so you can get a...
  10. J Hasselberger

    Holy cow, what aroma. What now?

    I'm in Central Texas and post oak is widely available as fire wood. I steal a few logs from my neighbors and cut it into 3" lengths with a chop saw and then split it to a handy size (usually no bigger than half a fist). It's probably seasoned for a year or less. Although it has a strongish aroma...
  11. J Hasselberger

    Getting a good crust on thick steak

    Flipping and rotating during the sear seems to be a good technique. And don't worry about the flare ups. This one was 3" thick, smoked on a WSM at low heat until about 110°, then rested, blotted, and oiled. It was seared on a kettle with a pretty hot fire. Jeff 3” ribeye by Jeff Hasselberger...
  12. J Hasselberger

    Visiting Austin

    Welcome to Texas, Graham. In Austin, you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a decent barbecue joint. Franklin is the place for brisket, to be sure. The lines are long, but you can order take-away in advance. There's a minimum dollar order (around $100, I think), but if your son has a couple...
  13. J Hasselberger

    Reheating brisket

    Excellent, in fact. It took just around 2 hours at 350° to get it into the 150° average. The cooked weight of the brisket was a little under 7 lbs. It was in the fridge from Monday afternoon to Friday afternoon wrapped tight in two layers of HD foil. It was just as jiggly and juicy as when I...
  14. J Hasselberger

    Reheating brisket

    Hi Kevin, Enjoyed all your informative posts and use them all the time. This is from an oldie-but-goodie thread. I cooked a packer on Sunday night into Monday, then after cool-down, wrapped it tight in heavy foil and refrigerated it. I'm planning to reheat it for a party on Friday night. The...
  15. J Hasselberger

    Who uses Meat Church rubs? What are your favorites?

    I find most of the commercial runs too salty, so I started making my own saltless rubs and salt the meats appropriately. For example, a pork butt can take a lot more salt than a rack of spares. The are a lot of easy recipes and most of the ingredients are readily available. (I do however keep a...
  16. J Hasselberger

    Brisket gravy?

    That’s a very good sauce for brisket. It really does enhance the beefiness of a slice of brisket or on a chopped brisket sandwich. JEFF
  17. J Hasselberger

    Expensive Pork Shoulder but cheaper than a restaurant

    Just smoked a small boneless butt (5.5lbs). Took about 13 hours at 250 unwrapped (195 internal). At the local H-E-B, big bone-in butts were $1.99/lb and the little bonelesss guys were $2.49. It's just the two of us and we had 3 sammies yesterday and I froze 4 two-sammy freezer bags. Good eats on...
  18. J Hasselberger

    My Favorite Commercial BBQ Sauce(s)

    Just yesterday I gave the H-E-B store brand Carolina sauce a try. I had a small pork butt in the WSM and didn’t have any pork sauce in the pantry. Very nice mustard/vinegar sauce with a medium consistency. Was exceptional when mixed in with chopped meat for a Sloppy Porky sandwich. Best $2.10...
  19. J Hasselberger

    Looking for help with cooking times (brisket)

    I’m in the “earlier is better” camp. I’ve done briskets at about that weight at 240-250 and have had them take 13 hours. In a cooler, a well-insulated hunk can go 4-5 hours, so I would‘nt worry too much about it finishing too early. That’s much better than too late!
  20. J Hasselberger

    Reheating Grilled Wings

    Grilled a pile of wings for dinner on Saturday and had a lot leftover. Decided to reheat them for lunch today. It was pretty straightforward - move the oven rack to the top position; preheat the oven to 400 (convection roast); lightly oil a foiled sheet pan and line up the wings in a single...

