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  1. W

    Fireboard 2 Drive keeps dying mid-cook...

    And before you say it, yes the battery was still charged or i had it plugged in. 3 times now the unit has shut itself down in the middle of cooks, 2 of them being overnight cooks only for me to discover it the next morning. I can't figure out what or why it's doing it, but i'm tired of wasting...
  2. W

    Need more bark for first butt of the winter..

    Typically I use regular Kingsford blue brickets in my wsm with the bowl filled with water and I get the results shown in the picture. I’d like to get a darker, thicker bark if I could. What can I do differently to achieve that? Also, temps here in WI are hovering in their 20’s-30’s and this...
  3. W

    Not happy with my first brisket :(

    Did my first brisket this past weekend and I was extremely disappointed to say the least. Setup: I used a 18.5" WSM with a full water bowl. I used Kingsford blue setup with a snake arrangement and lit one end of the snake with hot coals from the chimney. I have a Fireboard 2 Drive ATC with a...
  4. W

    How to sharpen knives?

    So i don't know much of anything about knife sharpening. We have 2 JA Henckels knives that are over 13yrs old that i actually got used from my previous employer. They were used for testing disposable cutting trays we were developing at the time. The edges at that time were already a little...
  5. W

    Coarse, sodium free salt alternatives???

    The simple question is this, does anyone make a sodium free coarse granual (think Kosher grain size)? Background - So my wife has Meniere's Disease which is directly affected by sodium intake, so she does everything possible to eliminate sodium in her diet. She is also potassium deficient. A...
  6. W

    How do you use pink paper?

    So i'm doing my first brisket this weekend and i was seeing more and more post about people using paper vs. foil. So i am wondering, how do i use the paper differently than i would use foil? I typically do pork when they would hit 190's i would pull them, wrap them in foil and through...
  7. W

    Looking for a salt-free brisket rub...

    Doing my first smoked brisket on the WSM this weekend using my new Fireboard 2 setup and I'm looking for a good salt-free beef rub. My wife has Menieres disease so she can't have any salt on/in her food. Does anyone have a recipe they could share of a good salt-free rub (homemade or store...
  8. W

    Anyone mode their early 90's Performer cart?

    I've got an early 90's gas assist (which i never use) blue kettle Performer and i was just curious if anyone has modified their carts at all? Would love to see pictures or links if so!
  9. W

    ATC blower placement on WSM's

    I don't think this question is ATC specific, just general in terms of using a blow with any ATC on a WSM. I use a hybrid minion method if you will. I took a 6" or so diameter metal can and slit it lengthwise down one side. I then unwrapped it to basically create a coiled wall in my coals. I...
  10. W

    Any WSM and Fireboard 2 owners around?

    It's been awhile since i've visited here, because shame on me, i wondered away from my Webers for a bit because i was sucked into the set it and forget it world of pellet smokers. Well, long story short, while convenient, it's nowhere near the same taste as what i could get on my WSM. So i...
  11. W

    Bought the iGrill 2 this weekend....

    I already own the Redi Check (Maverick) ET732, but i've been toying with going to an ATC system for my WSM. So this weekend i bought the Weber iGrill 2 as something that has more bells and whistles compared to the 732 but far cheaper and less features than most ATC systems. In general i liked...
  12. W

    Let's see you early 90's performer mods

    Curious to see the various mods folks have done to their early 90's performer's. I've got some ideas to modify my 1990 performer to include my 18.5" WSM.
  13. W

    Anyone ever use whiskey barrel wood as your smoke wood?

    Curious if anyone's done this and what the results have been.
  14. W

    Need a salt-free sweet rub for my butt

    My wife has Menieres disease and has to limit her salt intake as much as possible. Until this, i was never much of a label reader and boy was i shocked when i looked at the labels for my typical rubs...YIKES So, i need to make a homemade rub since the local BBQ store doesn't have much to offer...
  15. W

    Almost ditch my WSM for a pellet grill/smoker simply because of ATC.....

    Yes, i know, shame on me for looking at another grill :rolleyes: Almost dropped $600+ for a new cableas pellet grill/smoker and then my memory finally kicked in and recalled that there at ATC unit's for the WSM. Seriously, the only reason i was going to go with the pellet is for the ATC...
  16. W

    All sweet no heat rub recipe?

    I am doing a mothers day cookout of baby backs for my family. Since the majority of them have a low threshold for heat, i need to do something other than my typical rub. So does anyone have a rub recipe that has 0 heat to it but rather a nice balanced sweetness? I would like a bit more of a...
  17. W

    Butcher messed should i adjust tonights smoke???? PICS ADDED!!

    Ok guys, my original plan have changed thanks to my wonderful butcher. I originally ordered (4) 10lb butts, but showed up at the butcher this AM to 7 smaller butts. He proceeded to tell me that 9-10lb butts are not possible. So i argued with him for a bit, mentioning i have ordered 9-10lbs...
  18. W

    (4) 10lb butts on 18.5" long?

    Fellow WSM'ers! This Saturday the wife and I are hosting a BBQ at our home for family and friends. This will be my 4th cook on my new WSM and my first ever BBQ'ing of this much meat. I typically smoke between 225-250 and I can maintain these temps pretty accurately throughout a cook. Temps...
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    Need a Maverick ET-372 by Friday....who has one?

    Ok guys, im in desperate mode. I need to purchase a ET-372 and I need it here by Friday. I'd like to purchase from a fellow TVWBB'er if possible, but also don't want to get charged up the butt for shipping or the unit. Any reco's? I live in Green Bay and none of my local sources carry this unit.
  20. W

    Drip pan and 4 butts...what to do?

    Ok, i am cooking for a large BBQ this Sat and I am doing (4) 10lb butts on my WSM. Tyipcally i only do 1 or 2 butts which allows me to put them on the top rack and my drip pan on the 2nd rack. But now that I am doing 4 and using both racks for meat, where do i put the drip pan??? I use the...

