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  1. D

    BBQ3000 BabyBacks

    I was wondering if about BBQ9000...wonder how that would be on a lot of that..what do you think?
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    Drunken Beans (Frijoles Borrachos)

    Kevin- made these beans for the first time last night, and I must say they are amazing! The kind that when they cool down, and time to put them in tupperware, I am eating more than is going in the tupperware!
  3. D

    1st go round on WSM 18.5", ribs & pics

    Concur..they do! Wish my 1st cook looked that good!
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    grapevine wood

    Thanks Jim, brisket is on the menu today, and was wondering if might be a good idea to use some of it as well.
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    grapevine wood

    My friend gave me some pinot noir grape vine wood. Can anyone tell me with they recommend to use it on? Any particular meat to BBQ with it? Thanks.
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    My 1st WSM Meatloaf

    WOw, that looks good Glenn....have been meaning to try meat loaf on the WSM.
  7. D

    Replacement top grate

    I think I have even seen them at Lowes, but this was a while ago.
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    Thanks guys! Each day back gets better!
  9. D

    Differences Between the 18 & 22?

    Not sure if I can give you an accurate answer, but after cooking with a 18.5 for 4+ years, I used my new 22.5 for the first time yesterday and seemed as easy to control, and maintain temps. Brisket and ribs were awesome on the on cook I had.
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    Got back yesterday from my 7 month deployment, and fired up the brand new 22.5 for the first time. Impressive size, worked well, as easy as the 18.5 I have had for years. Great to be back bbqing!
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    Brisket Flat Strategy

    I did my 1st high heat about 3 weeks ago or so, after years of low and slow, on a flat, and it came out awesome. I foiled I think about 160. But I put it in a tin pan, then foiled the top, and took it off not my temp, but by tenderness.
  12. D

    Brisket Flat Strategy

    You might want to do a search for a "high heat" brisket. Comes out delicious!
  13. D

    Did I get ripped off? Or am I being cheap?

    Konrad..where can I buy an America KObe near Monroe?
  14. D

    High temp brisket question

    I tried it tonight for the first time with a flat. My wife and me liked it better than a low and slow..I am most impressed, and will do it like this from now on. Thanks for all thetips on this thread.
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    Photos from just a few moments ago

    Indeed...look good!
  16. D

    New 18" WSM and Clay Pot

    Thanks, I used a clay pot with the original water pan exclusively with my older WSM, but I now have the newer model with the much larger (deeper) water pan and wanted to make sure the clay pot works just the same with the deeper pan.
  17. D

    New 18" WSM and Clay Pot

    Does the new WSM with the deeper water pan work the same in regards to using a Clay Pot?
  18. D

    Best meat sources?

    I go to cash and carry sometimes, safeway and haggen. Sometimes Sylvania meats. Double D meats near you is a good choice.
  19. D

    Its 4:20 you know where your butts are?

    Greg= Yeah 79 cents. It is 100% for sure a boston butt.
  20. D

    Its 4:20 you know where your butts are?

    6AM 2 butts on. 79 cents a pound at my local Safeway. Also a brisket resting comfortably below them, UMM...

