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  1. John Sp

    My Turkey

    Nice job Bob - it is hard to beat roti-bird. Nice color on that turkey! Regards, John
  2. John Sp

    Maple Sugar & Cinnamon Bacon

    Now that is what I call breakfast Bob! I have been meaning to do another slab of bacon and you inspired me to get off my butt and do it. Awesome job sir... Regards, John
  3. John Sp

    Korean Ribs

    Great job Pat - those ribs look awesome! Regards, John
  4. John Sp

    Korean Ribs

    Great job Pat - those ribs look awesome! Regards, John
  5. John Sp

    First cook on my wsm

    Wow Anne, you really overcame some obstacles to make a great meal. Hopefully your next cook will be a lot smoother. In any case those beef ribs would be at home on my table for sure. It is really cool to see so many people from around the world using the Weber grills and interesting to read...
  6. John Sp

    Again with the High Heat Ribs

    Great cook Jim - that smoke ring is perfection itself! I am amazed that you got it in that short amount of time. Did you use extra smoke wood? How a bout a recipe for the 'sprouts sir? Regards, John
  7. John Sp

    First Turkey on the grill!

    Great looking bird Hilary. You hit it out of the park on your first swing! Regards, John
  8. John Sp

    Venison Bacon Cheeseburgers

    Wow Jerome that is a great looking burger and I can tell you how the flavor was - it was great! Hope you are feeling better now... Regards, JOhn
  9. John Sp

    Thanksgiving Week Meals

    Hello All, I am trying to catch up for the last couple of weeks. At TG every year we do a family reunion trip with Kari's side of the family. We get together with three large families and spend the week cooking, having fun, eating, playing, cooking, and did I mention cooking? This year we had...
  10. John Sp

    Baby Backs on the OTG 26

    Hello All, Kari and I run the concession activity at football home games for the local high school as a fundraiser for the band boosters (five of our sons have been members of the marching band at the high school). We had a very successful season and wrapped it up with a concession stand at...
  11. John Sp

    Some cooks from the past week

    Wow that is some week of awesome food! Looks like the Dahl's are eating pretty high on the hog... and cow... and vegetable garden... Regards, John
  12. John Sp

    Another unrolled brisket

    Gary that looks great. Nice bark and a super smoke ring. Looks nice and moist too. You really know how to put on a spread. Too bad those Costco guys in the UK are cheating you out of burnt ends... Regards, John
  13. John Sp

    stock up on Tri Tip

    The pics are working fine for me (and those of you that con't see them are really missing out). Awesome looking meal Jim as usual. We cooked a tri-tip a while back and really loved it. They are hard to come by here so I'll have to come to your house to get any... Regards, John
  14. John Sp

    Rotisserie Ribs & Grilled Pineapple

    Great looking ribs & plate Robert. I have never tried ribs on my rotisserie but I am going to have to give it a spin now (see what I did there?). There is nothing finer than grilled pineapple IMHO. Thanks for sharing. Regards, John
  15. John Sp

    Roti Chicken Marsala

    Hello All, This is just a quick post of a meal I made over the weekend. A while back we went to an Italian restaurant and I ordered Chicken Marsala which I really enjoyed. The dish is traditionally made with breaded boneless chicken but I figured I would try the sauce on some bone in bird...
  16. John Sp

    porco al Trapo !!

    Wow Enrico - that is over the top! The meat looks very juicy. Did you rinse it after or what? Was it salty? Looks like my wife is going to be missing a few dish towels soon... Regards, John
  17. John Sp

    Smoked Pork Chops, Cheesy Potatoes and Zucchini Boats

    Man those were some man-sized chops Cliff. That zucchini is very clever and the smoked scalloped taters really kick it up a notch. That is one fine meal there buddy. Regards, John
  18. John Sp

    Bird on the Spinner

    Superb roti-bird Russ. Love the color on that and it looks really juicy. Regards, John
  19. John Sp

    My Commute

    I bet you never forget to pick up charcoal on your way home... Regards, John
  20. John Sp

    KFC Rub Bird on the 26 OTG

    Hello All, Earlier in the week I ran across an article claiming to provide the KFC secret herbs and spices recipe for their fried chicken. I have no idea if the recipe is authentic but as I looked it over, I thought it would make a pretty good rub for grilled bird. I decided to whip up some KFC...

