You know you're getting old when...

You can add you own "You know you're getting old when..." post to this thread, if so inclined. Please keep it as positive as possible, a thread like this can easily become a gripe fest if we're not careful. :)

You know you're getting old start waxing nostalgic about towels. I was clearing out some cabinets in the laundry room and came across these. Boy, they were expensive back in the day but I always felt they were worth the money because of their quality. From a time when we still had a textile industry in America. I looked up Kannapolis, NC online to see how the town has fared since the demise of the textile industry. It looks like they're doing their best to revitalize and grow the town.

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I have some of those too. That and Cannon towels.
^^^^ go compressor style ^^^^
Always the best.....for example

I worked at a truck repair shop, located a few blocks south of Market St. in SF, for a couple of years in the early '80s. While road testing a semi tractor after some gear work, a drunk walked out in front of me, on Howard St., and pulled a Foster Brooks that lasted almost a minute. I hit the air horn and he almost flew to the curb. Laughed so much I almost forgot what I was driving.
Put him and Dean Martin together and try to tell which one was the real drunk.🥃
Actually even Dean Martin was not a drunk. It was mostly all an act. Years ago, the kid that lived behind me, his dad played Sax in a big band in Chicago (name escapes me now) but it was a famous Chicago big band orchestra. They played for all the big names of the day including Dean Martin, Tony Bennet and so on. Well occasionally IDK rehearsals perhaps? These people would show up at their house. Unannounced. So, even living literally next door you would not know these folks would be there. They would come in a non descript car, nothing fancy. Stop in have a beer or cocktail with his dad, go over some music, maybe have a home cooked meal and head back out. Totally under the radar. And one day I mentioned how it seemed Dean Martin always appeared hammered. And he said that Dean himself said it was "part of the act". Basically all faked.
Now, I never met them myself, would occasionally catch a glimpse of one coming or going but not even realize it as they snuck in and out.

