You know you're getting old when...

I remember having just 3 channels on the Telly.
I think my first remote had a cord and it made loud click sounds each time it was used.

I lived in “West” Germany on and off when I was young.
We could buy just smaller than m-80 type firecrackers and other stuff any time we wanted from the drug store.
There was also beer vending machines bolted onto the sides of buildings that sold good beer for 50p per bottle to anyone.
It was acceptable to have a beer or a glass of wine with your lunch at school.

Germany at this time also only had just 3 channels on the Telly but one was X rated after supper time.

Growing up in the Lafayette Hills of California in the early 70’s we were allowed to hunt/shoot pests and vermin in the neighborhood orchards.
No one ever gave us any grief for having firearms at a young age.

I’m now paranoid just bringing a firearm from my car into my house at our California property.
Yes times have changed.
I am old enough to remember when the television had seven channels and there was actual programming worth watching…

Remember when there wasn’t all the gadgets, machines and electronics designed to “save time” but having more “free time”…

Remember most everyone having less material possessions and expressing they were doing okay…

Remember sharing my thoughts and opinions to a select few instead of broadcasting to the World Wide Web…

Remember listening to some old folks going on and on about how things used to be better…obviously some things never change.
when you remember when gasoline was 29 cents a gallon!
I pumped 25 cent gas and of course cleaned the windows, checked the oil, tires, and radiator. Radial tires were a new thing, bought smokes for 25 cents, but quit when they raised the price to 35 cents. Took auto shop at summer school with a buddy, learned everything I ever wanted to know about a '53 flathead Ford engine.
Wow, 7 channels on TV! Yeah, back in the day we still had party line (in Chicago no less), and at the time only 4 channels on TV. 2, 5, 7, 9. Even PBS didn't exist :D
Wow, 7 channels on TV! Yeah, back in the day we still had party line (in Chicago no less), and at the time only 4 channels on TV. 2, 5, 7, 9. Even PBS didn't exist :D
The Big Apple- media center of the world baby.


All beamed into your five borough living room absolutely free of charge by the giant antenna on top of the Empire State Building.

WOR had a radio station too, I would quietly listen to Gene Shepherd every night at 9, when my parents thought I was sleeping…

Good times

