Realize this is late. Used 22" kettle is not a bad Idea. Paired with an 18" or 22" WSM is perfect for anything you will want to do IMHO. You'll soon get into accessories, etc. If you can do the extra spend a new or used Performer

with the table/cart is really a great option. It lights the charcoal nicely. If you have the pair you can use the Performer gas lighter to light charcoal or just a number of hardwood briquettes to sit on top of your lump in the WSM to get things started. I often turn the chimney upside down add about 7 or 8 briquettes and light then just place them with tongs on the charcoal in the WSM
Having both also allows you to adjust to capacity demands once you get better at using them and know how to control temps in both. The Performer with the table and gas assist is VERY handy to have around if it fits in the budget. An 18" WSM (with extender) and 22" Performer with accessories has allowed me to pretty much do whatever I needed to do over the last 15 years.
I originally had a custom horizontal ordered and got ripped off back then. I decided to buy an 18" WSM and the 22" performer to settle out for a "couple years" to see how this worked out.
Not going back.
I can do heavy load of roadside chicken on the WSM high temp using it as a drum style smoker for example.
It's just me and my wife as well. BUT - once you get really good at Q and Grilling you will soon find out that you will want to and will offer
your services out to friends and family

I get requests all the time.
If you get an 18" WSM or even the 22" you can always find a stacker option that will add more capacity. The 22 WSM is very nice for reasons stated
upthread. They weren't available back when I bought my WSM. The Performer also adds smoking capacity and does a fine job once you learn the ropes.
But It's more common for me to use that for grilling or final finish of items coming off the WSM during big cooks.
You're on the right track - having both is the BEST. Just think about and look for the Performer new/used as you move along.
Have to say that the 18" WSM with stacker option along with the 22" Performer has provided me with EVERYTHING (along with accessories along the way) to
pretty much do whatever I wanted to do over the last 15 years and I've done a lot of big/mixed cooks.
Learning fire control in both will get you kicked off nicely.
Only thing I added along the way was restoring a Weber gasser my neighbor put out to the trash to use as extra capacity as an extra oven or times when I want
to do a fast grill where I'm not that concerned as much with purest style grilling or smoking. After learning how to use and control all three I'm really not looking for anything else - there are those really nice Englebrechts, but I digress:
Great advice above and on this site in general. PM me if you want to talk more.