Wood splits



TVWBB Member
Hi smoking a meatloaf today. Pic will follow shortly. But I purchased some cheap oak splits . Obviously far to big fo my 14.5" . Not I've tried a hammer and chisel I've purchased a drill but that was supposed to split them . But nothing works. Any tips as I don't want to purchase a axe 🪓 that I'll never use again or end up in A and E.
Thank you . Don't really want to spend as this will be a one off . I'll makes sure next time I buy small chunks . Just wondering if there is a way to do it . But these splits are solid
No I don't . I'll have to figure something out .
While we are in the subject of fuel. Do any of you use lumpwood in a wsm I know it burns hotter but it's easy to control temp on it. Thinking more small cooks like a bit of chicken not my pork shoulders

That looks like the same one I have! It works great provided the log or split is not too thick.

I also have a manual hydraulic log splitter that I got from Harbor Freight. Works similar to a floor jack. That's nice too but I use the one pictured much more often. And the one pictured gets the job done quicker! Not cheap though.
Just man up. Everyone should own at least one ax. Just buy a small one and use a hammer or chunk of wood to hit the ax in.

I tried the axe thing but it's more complicated than one thinks. You gotta have a solid base that's made out of wood to set the log on, such as a tree stump. And it's hard to swing a hammer hard enough to set the axe so it doesn't fall out on the second swing. I fooled around with it for a couple months and finally gave up. With the splitter shown above, just place it on some half-height cinder blocks, you get to split it exactly where you want and it's so easy.
Not knowing how many splits you have, can they be repurposed for some other use? And buy some chunks?

I'm cringing at the thought of learning how to use an axe (myself).
I’m not sure it’s the thickness of the splits that is in question here, splitting is not that hard. I think that Peter need to cut the, in length, cutting them down can easily be done with a saw, any saw you can use an inexpensive Stanley saw at any hardware store, you done need a big one, just a 10-12” hand saw is probably $20 (I will admit that I’ve not looked for a saw in a long time but, it’s a basic homeowner tool.). You don’t need a chainsaw, sawzall, or anything “Major” this is an easy problem to fix.
You don't own a axe or a saw...and never expect to use one again...:confused:
OK, then go to walmart, or whomever and buy a bag of chunks. Problem solved.
Use the splits in the bottom of the kettle like a fire pit
I was thinking back to a cook a few years ago, I put a split “cockeyed” across the charcoal ring with one end down in the bottom and filling coal around it with chunks alongside. I would not use them in a bare bottom of a kettle like a fire pit but, that’s just me.
Okay, yeah, if you're not cooking on an offset, go with chunks. No need to split logs. Splits are for an offset. I should have read the OP better.
I split a lot of wood for smoking and heating.
I don’t like using an axe or a maul one bit and find that most gintsu tools like the drill bit thing doesn’t work for me.
The best thing I found was the electric log splitter from Harbor Freight Tools.
It’s quiet. It’s easy and relatively inexpensive.
I put a foot switch on mine to make it even easier.
Not super light but not real heavy.
I’m old and I have no problem lifting it and my plastic folding table has no problem with its weight.

For simple small splits I use a proper sized metal wedge and a singlejack hammer that probably weighs 3 lbs.
I use the wedge and hammer on chunks of wood that come in bags of smoking wood and are too large for what I want.

