Widows 10 being forced on to my computer

upgraded, with out problem.
no big deal.

I like it (win10). I didn't do the upgrade on 2 of my machines but I plan to "soon".

I have upgraded a few others.

Now that you've upgraded, if you want to do a clean install you can save ~25 GB by doing a fresh install rather than just the upgrade.

SSD drive & a fresh install makes for fast boot times
Read an article that said that microsoft was going to switch everyone to 10 no matter what. They just will not bother with anything else. No attacks to my computer yet.
Looks like I don't have to worry about down loading Windows 10, every time I click check for updates it just sits there spinning even the people at MS support said we can fix that do you want us to go ahead and download Windows 10, so I said sure, 2 hours later after said download it automatically checks for updates and lo and behold, it sat there, spinning the little swirly thing checking for updates, 45 minutes later I just clicked the stop button, still have Windows 7, still can't get my updates but don't have Windows 10 either
In all likelyhood, there are two possible reasons:

1)the downloader app that MS uses (on your machine) is corrupted. You can always go to their website and check for updates (security only, not app updates). You download the full update (bypassing the updater app) the same way you download any (other) file/ap and click on it for installation once you have it on your machine.

There is also a MS trouble shooter app that might help (it fixed some corruption on my machine but can't fix all of them). Google for "windows downloader corruption" or variants on that theme. There are several sites that discuss that issue and provide links to download the most current version of the downloader app. You click on it and it automatically installs where it's supposed to go. Just follow the on-screen instructions to install it.

The reason I discovered this issue is I had the same exact results as you (spinning gizmo for hours with no updates found).

A point to note: after I downloaded/fixed the downloader ap, I was able (quite quickly, as it used to do) to get the current security updates. About 3 weeks later I tried to get the security updates but got the spinning gizmo. Downloaded the app again and again got the updates quickly. I then concluded that reason #2 (below) is the cause of this issue.

2)I think the real reason is that MS has reduced the number of servers set up specifically for Win 7 updates. This naturally slows down access for ALL Win 7 users (in effect, forcing them to go the Win10 route).

No suggestion for you regarding the slowness of the Win 10 download (see answer #1 for possible/probable(?) reason).
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Thanks Len I'm going to go back again tonight and see what I can do, I had to chuckle when even the Tech helper at Microsoft commented on how long it was taking to even find the updates, computer just kept on searching, it's not that I want Windows 10 so much but I do want my critical updates, I seem to be missing the whole month of July.
I have upgraded both my desktop and laptop machines to Win10. Would have rather kept Win7 but due to security concerns and the lack of support for Win7 I felt that I had no choice. The desktop machine has not been a problem at all and was easy to do. My laptop was easy to do but due to proprietary software I use for my business I have had some issues but with a minimal amount of work they are fine now.

I was not and am not happy with Microsofts approach to forcing this upgrade. Unfortunately I can not use apple products since the proprietary software I use is more problematic even with using the windows emulators that still brings windows into the picture. Also, I have never been a big fan of Apple. They maintain such tight control on the product that the price remains very high.

What can I say, my first computer was a DOS V3.3 based computer and from there, we all know where it has gone. Microsoft and Apple control our lives in many ways. This is just another aspect of that. They do this because they can and no one will do anything about it.
Ok, before I posted here I got an email from the support tech that attempted to help me in the email was a link to a forum which the topic was update issues for windows 7, it suggested turning automatic updates off and leaving it off, reboot then go to the updates center and download a recommended file which I did, it fixed the problem, I think it was a patch to fix a fupaw MS had created, as Len said a broken downloader, no longer have the " your windows 10 is ready to install, restart to begin installation " window and have all my critical updates, thanks again Len.
You're welcome Don. BUT be prepared for it to happen again in a few weeks if it starts spinning again (maybe it won't happen again to you; my experience was different).
It seems MS is still trying to slip KB2952664 through in their "security" updates (I'm still on win7). That's one of 3 that had the win10 spyware embedded in it.

Just a heads up (and you should review your updates prior to install, don't do an auto update).
I'm still with 7, haven't done any updates since I turned off auto when they started bugging me about getting 10.

You still need to do the security updates Bob. Just uncheck the auto aspect ( ie you want it to "ask me everytime" or just do a search for the updates and pick/hide the ones you want/don't want.

Don't NOT get them.
I read the other day that MS is going to make all downloads for 7 &8.5 cumulative patches that won't let you review and decide what you want to install
Thanks for that.

[h=2]Security-only updates[/h]Also from October 2016 onwards, Windows will release a single Security-only update. This update collects all of the security patches for that month into a single update. Unlike the Monthly Rollup, the Security-only update will only include new security patches that are released for that month. Individual patches will no longer be available. The Security-only update will be available to download and deploy from WSUS, SCCM, and the Microsoft Update Catalog. Windows Update will publish only the Monthly Rollup – the Security-only update will not be published to Windows Update. The security-only update will allow enterprises to download as small of an update as possible while still maintaining more secure devices.

Although it refers to enterprises, I would think (well, hope) that it'll be available for general download as well.
After I started this tread I thought I was done with 10. Now that my PC took a dump to the tune of a new OS board and hard drive needed in a 5 year old pc that is running a slow Pentium processor which was going to cost $325 to repair.
I ended up buying a new pc with an I5, 12GB of memory and a 1TB HD for a 150 bucks more but of course pre loaded with Win 10.
Such is life.

