When You're Smokin' What are You Drinkin' and Listening to?

whenim qing...ive usually taken the laptop outside to surf and que....this means i can tune into jimmy buffett margaritaville....as far as drinks, its either jack's old#7 or coldest beer in fridge..
Music - I usually listen to Jimmy Buffett, Guster, Jack Johnson, or the Indians' game.

Drinks - In the morning it's always coffee, in the afternoon Coke, Budweiser, Xingu, or Blue Moon.
I love to listen to some great jazz. Anything by the greats like Charlie Parker, Dizzy, Miles Davis, even a bit of Louis Armstrong.
As for the drinking, I'll let you know on Saturday.
When I'm barbecuing, nothing goes as well as some Mexican beer and some Delbert McClinton.

If it's a long smoke, I'll get in at least one, nap.

Naps are important to Barbecue
Being a Belleville, IL. native, it's usually Stag beer. That or Shiner Bock. I guess I have a thing for 'antlered' animals on my beer bottles.

As for music... could be Cuban, reggae... could be SRV, maybe a little Wilco thrown in for hometown pride. Just depends. As long as the food smells good, I don't really care what jammers are coming from my trusty DeWalt radio.

If I don't have a batch of homebrew in the works, usually a local microbrew. I live in PA so my favorites are Troegs, Stoudts, Weyerbacher, and Victory. Lots of great beer around but my favorite will always be MINE.

As far as music goes its usually The Pogues. Maybe some Flogging Molly, The Tossers, or Dropkick Murphys sprinkled in for good measure.


Last time, we brewed a bach of American Pale Ale, while smokin' ribs. Of course we had to be drinking the results of the previous brew session, a pretty good attempt at a Phin and Matt's clone.

On the box was Tony Rice Unit, Bella Fleck and The Pogues.

I think it was when the Pogues came on that the Jameson came out.

Morning it's coffee, after lunch Pabst Blue Ribbon or Stag,late afternoon or early evening I like to tip a jar of oak aged corn whiskey (much smoother and tastier than bourbon). My music is kind of eclectic...Jerry Jeff Walker, various blues, Allman Bros (Live at Fillmore), Santana, Meatloaf, George Jones.

Smoooth jazz from Monterey Bay Ca. streaming off of the internet to outside speakers powered by my Powerbook, by way of itunes. Looking for that next drink, may have to progress through the day from soft drinks to adult beverage.
Originally posted by Ben Milano:
I am a musician (singer); I also tended bar for many years while attending college and even a bit afterwards. Now I am REALLY into wine, even took and graduated from a wine program here in NYC.

Which brings me to my post

You're smokin' in your yard, hanging with the family or the guys - what are you drinkin' and listening to while you're cooking and when you sit down to eat your hard work?

I personally love red wine but find that a good red zin just hits the spot. I also LOVE Elvis but the other day I went Roadhouse all the way. I cranked up my Sirius radio and listened to some real Blues for about 4-5 hours. My family thought they were transported back to Memphis!

This week I attempt a pork butt! Wish me luck!

I usually have a few Ice Cold Miller Lites(Yes, Ice Cold and not out of my over priced under used Weber Chill). Listening, to whatever is going on outside around me. My cooks are usually finishing up as I have people at the pool, so that keeps me occupied while I am waiting to tase my goods!
It's been gratifyin' to read all these listening/drinking posts. Sometimes it's easy to think you're the only one not into whatever the current top 10 crop is.
I'm a transplanted NY'er (living now in NC). When I BBQ I listen to good bluegrass. There's some good female old time string bands coming up - try Red Molly or Uncle Earl.
Current favorite beer - Pilsner Urquell!
I have to go with the man in black the legendary Johnny Cash, I like to wet my tastebuds with icee cold Coors Lite, and in the words of "Frank the Tank" it's soo good on your lips...having grown up in Chicago, Buddy Guy also get's play in this smokehouse!
I'm usually drinking some ice cold Miller High Life, and listening to the wife complain about how I've wrecked her kitchen and better clean it up!


