When You're Smokin' What are You Drinkin' and Listening to?

I have no idea how or why I never posted to this thread? Probably cause I was smashed at the time and forgot about it. So after 2+ years of passing over it here's what I would listen to these days. I like so many different styles and types of music with Heavy Metal being my favorite but............. just sitting there beside the WSM in the early morning hours, say at 2:00AM and everbody is getting it on with their pillow, that's a real mellow time for me. I'd have to put in Mazzy Star while sucking down some ice cold lite American beers, while watching the WSM puff out it's small stream of goodness and get lost in the moment with Mazzy.
you know, I was so looking forward to doing some ribs this weekend for the Pat's game on Sunday....but now I just got called into working this weekend! GAH!

...but keeping on the topic, NOTHING beats sitting back with a Sam Seasonal or a growler from one of our local brewery's: Wachusett Brewery ... and for you damn people west of the Mississippi, I wish I had me some Fat Tire ale!

For music...
day-time cooks: some good ole classic rock mixed with some 90's rock - Pearl Jam, STP, AIC,

night-time cooks: Ryan Adams, DMB, etc....and maybe some Miles Davis for those ultra chillout nights.

Summer is not over!!!!

And even when it is, we'll still be bbq'in!
Great Topic,

Sipping Jack Daniels over ice while listening to some southern blues. The combination smell of sweat, wood smoke, Jack and DEET insures my wife will get nowhere near me. So it's just me and the smoker.. better known as "My Time".
I'll keep this great post going! Usually vodka& club or beer -- miller lite, mich ultra, coors light. I need to incorporate the music, I'm usually watching/listening to sports.

Happy smoking!
Tonight I have two butts in the wsm and 'bama on the TV for now. Roll Tide Roll

I'll be listening to some Marshall Tucker and the 'mule later on.

