When You're Smokin' What are You Drinkin' and Listening to?

In the early morning its a good home roasted Yirgacheffee/Brazil blend French press black. Usually a dark beer like Sprechers Black Bavarian or a Surly if its hot or a big Aussie Shiraz fruit bomb like Mollydooker Boxer or a vodka martini at night while listening to Miles Davis and John Coltrane with alittle Buddy Guy thrown in.
Wow, what an interesting thread.

OK, here we go; the easy part, what am I listening to? Sirius channel 12 super shuffle.

Drinking, this is the hard one.
Early a.m. smoke - coffee then a bloody mary (from scratch, used to bartend and make one of the best bloody marys around).
Afternoon - Corona or Miller Lite
Early to the late evening - Gin Tonic, Crown Royal & Coke or a good Cabernet

Great thread!
Usually it goes a little something like this-
A.M. Strong black coffee and Social Distortion.
Noon Special Export Lite and Hank Sr or J. Cash
Midday Homebrew and Marshall Crenshaw or Sonny Landreth
When the cook is over, everything is cleaned up,and I'm replaying it in my mind and revieweing my notes- Tito's vodka on the rocks and Jimmy Lafave.
I listen to a lot of stuff while I am smoking, everything from talk radio to Black Flag and Radio Australia. Yes, Radio Australia. The Aussies seem to come in fairly well on those hot, summer nights in Baltimore, and they make for some pretty interesting listening while you're waiting for your pork butt to finally give up and consent to being done. As for drinks, I am somewhat of a purist in that only the finest Pabst Blue Ribbon from a can will do.
Recently tried a Miller Chill - little different from any beer I've tried before. Kinda' liked it ...but, then I'm really not a "beer guy".

Late Afternoon/Early evening, mojitos and a ballgame. Late evening, Zaya or Ron Zacapa rum and some Grateful Dead.
When I start the smoke I am drinking Sam Adam's, either Boston Ale or the seasonal brew, and listening to something with a hard and fast pace to it to keep the blood flowing and make sure I can stay awake for a good while!
Which day?

I start the smoker on thursdays. I like to listen to Jimmie Johnson and Dale Jr on afterwards. Then just the nascar channel.

Fridays I take off the meat and pull it after work. Listen to nascar channel and maybe the truck race.

Saturday when the ribs go on usually starts out with some rock classic style. Big tracks on xm or classic rewind on sirrus. By afternoon I am listening to nascar.

Sunday usually starts with a couple of hours of fox news then some country to listening to the race.

Drink is usually one of a couple of things. Diet pop, water, or some country style tea. I have become addicted to iced tea ever since someone turned me onto that lipton cold brew. I make that all the time. Sams sells a package of three for about a dollar more than a local grocery sells one box for. I do occasionally have a beer. When in the mood I have been drinking a Hurricane High Gravity as the choice for a while now.

Tim a PBR? I didn't even know they still made that beer. I haven't had one of those for over 20 years.
Some Belvedere on the rocks with a splash of OJ and if the Yankees are playing I'm listening to the game if not I'll have some fist pumping metal to keep me going.
Early AM
- Good, strong black coffee
- Jimmy Buffett
- Homebrew, or good craft beer (style/brand dependent on wx and mood - often a good IPA)
- Jimmy Buffett
Caffeine-Free Diet Sam's Cola.

I seem to have learned to appreciate silence. Or at least don't feel the need to add to the ambient sound level.

Of course, I'm new at all this.

If I need music to barbecue, I guess I'll also need to go out and get...err...one of those things that you play music on.
Last night I was mixing up rub and making plans for the party this weekend. I poured a glass of bourbon, dropped in a couple of ice cubes and put on a Sirius channel that featured New Orleans jazz.

PERFECT mood setters for the party, lol!
Red sox, Nascar, "screen door" music channel on Sirius Sat.
The Mrs is drinking rolling rock, Me, Stoli Raz and Tonics. Multiple styles of smoke waft about.

Life is grand

