What's cooking for Labor Day weekend?


Chris in Louisiana

TVWBB All-Star
I've got in-laws coming in today. I am boiling jumbo shrimp and cooking some smoked sausage for the LSU game tonight. May grill the sausage, or may throw it in the spice-water with the shrimp.

Tomorrow it is two de-boned Cajun-spiced chickens, one stuffed with chicken and rice, the other stuffed with seafood dressing. And I'm going to throw a rack of St. Louis cut ribs on the kettle, just so everyone can have one or two.

Monday the neighbors want to get together, so they are coming here. One guy is smoking ribs, another brisket, and I'm going to smoke a couple of turkey rolls. The non-smokers are bringing sides.

What are y'all planning?
I just trimmed and rubbed an 8lb port butt. It's going to hit the smoker some time during the middle of the night. I plan to do it North Carolina-style.

Right now, I'm drinking Margaritas in preparation for getting up in the middle of the night. :cool:

Enjoy the game!
What's your address and when is dinner? Damn you made me hungry! I'm going to cook some csr's for a friend that took me to the hospital a while back. Lots of meat and lots of bark = lots of flavor.
I have a 16 pound packer brisket that I plan to put on the smoker and cook overnight. I plan on cooking at 250 and I do not plan to foil. This is my first cook for a packer.
I'm doing a plain old 6 lb butt for the inlaws and family, but since it's what they love then I'll love doing it for them. Of course, I love doing anything on the wsm or performer, labor day or any day!
I'll be doing some full-size Beef Ribs (again), legs and thighs on the kettle, and corn on the cob tomorrow for my Amateur Pool Party. oh yeah, my famous (to me) smoked salmon and wifey will do a larg batch of Chinese Potstickers. Served with Iron Fist Golden Age and Uprising...shoud be fun :)
Chicken thighs today on the WSM in UDS mode today (the Tapatio Beer wing recipe from Poultry recipe section), venison burgers and ABTs on the Performer tomorrow, then the other batch of thighs on Monday.

Monday's wings were going to be done with jerk paste using scotch bonnets picked fresh from the garden, but I'm thinking about repeating the Tapatio Beer recipe instead. Maybe I'll dig up something pork-y for the jerk paste.
Smoked 6 racks of St. Louis ribs yesterday (Harry Soo-style); two Boston butts overnight last night into today; 15 lb packer into the WSM tonight; fresh keilbasa tomorrow; along with a couple of chickens in the Kettle and a half-keg of Newky Brown;25 in-laws and outlaws at 2:00; nothing but bones and sauce stains left by 4; cops at the door by 6. Should be a great day.
Three racks on the WSM and burgers and sausage on the gas grill. Plenty of sides to go with. Great weekend for a family get together. Oh and yes plenty of beer!
As God is my witness, I will be cooking a baker with chorizo stuffed in the middle. I just have to figure out how much potato to remove Vs the chorizo.

