What's cooking for Labor Day weekend?

Smoking a 12 lb brisket tomorrow. Looking forward to some good times with old friends. Thinking about doing potato bombs as well..


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We have three family groups (brother, sister and mom/dad) joining us on Monday. Two of which are bringing their Weber kettles with them for a three way cook off. I'll be firing mine up (home field advantage) with a turkey breast. Will be great family fun with lots of kids running around. :) Another great American cookout holiday.

Sure hope everyone comes back with lots of great pictures.
Couple of racks of back ribs are waiting for a little love in the smoker. As well, there's a 3 pound slab of pork belly curing in the fridge that we are going to hit with maple pepper before smoking it up.
I haven't decided what to cook yet. My Stoker arrived on Saturday, so once I get it mounted, I'll have to give it a try or two. I'm thinking chicken or ribs, or might go with a brisket or butt.
I'm about to put a brisket and pork shoulder into a cooler for this afternoons family gathering. I need to get started on my version of the famous "Keri's Hog Apple Baked Beans" and in a few hours, I'm starting chicken thighs on the WSM.
Sat Evening: Rack of Pork Spare Ribs. For those of you who live in the Pacific NW, Winco has pork spare ribs for $1.48/lb right now. Did mine with my own rib rub recipe and glazed them for the last 20 min or so with Apricot BBQ sauce. Yum!

Sun Evening: Rib Eyes.

Tomorrow Night: Not sure yet.
I have my 21 pound packer going as I type this... Almost 5 hours in and the temp is steady at 245... the water pan is still over half full... I have the back bottom vent opened one quarter... little to no wind... temp outside is 48 degrees...
might take a snooze for a few... I do have air leaks at the side door... no biggie as my toy is doing its thing perfectly.
Finally a day off after working seven 12-14 hr days/nites. I was supposed to work today, but we finished up yesterday just in time for CPS to open tomorrow. Been awhile since I fired up the Webys so some marinated CB's on the OTG, and pulled beef on the WSM.
Happy labor day everyone!:wsm:

Tim, after the past 3 days your avatar's a little painful to look at...

Nothing special here. Got up early and put a 4-pound butt in the WSM at 5:15 and in about 45 minutes I'll be adding some whole Yukon Gold potatoes to the drip pan as a little experiment.

