What is the best way to grill corn on the cob?

I'll generally peel back the husks so that only 2 leaves thickness remain all the way around the cob, and grill from there. A nice balance between caramelization and char.
This is also kind of how I did it, cut off the tops and bottoms, and about half the husk. I will try to take a few more layers of husk off the next time I do it with husk on.
I am no corn expert.
But to me, my results have always been fine
By peeling it first, getting rid of the silk, and then just putting it on for the last 30 minutes of whatever I'm smoking. Less if I'm grilling.

Then again, it comes out okay in the microwave too.....
I am no corn expert.
But to me, my results have always been fine
By peeling it first, getting rid of the silk, and then just putting it on for the last 30 minutes of whatever I'm smoking. Less if I'm grilling.

Then again, it comes out okay in the microwave too.....
Smoked Corn? I am intrigued!!!
First I am with you about the silk, it come off so easy after pulling it off the grill. Is there a reason from removing the silk and putting the husk back? Is it to limit the earthiness? As for the information about butter, I LOVE butter, I will be using this info to justify buying the good stuff and eating it!
It's simply excess work and causes that wonderful "cooking vessel" to be "broken". Leaving the silk in (mind you I do cut off the tops first), simply allows the husk to stay intact. Allowing the corn to steam more before getting a little carmelization
I'll generally peel back the husks so that only 2 leaves thickness remain all the way around the cob, and grill from there. A nice balance between caramelization and char.
Agreed. I've been doing it this way for quite a few years now.

Just keep trying new ways to cook corn, thats the fun of it, then one day you will find the one you really like and
Bam you have a keeper corn on the cob recipe.

I still soak corn my corn all day in a ice chest filled with water and a quite a bit or raw sugar.
I like it husked then rubbed with mayonnaise, course black pepper, Lawry's Garlic salt and put on the grill.
I even like it husked added to a stock pot filled with water and raw sugar and brought to a boil for a few
minutes and then shut off the heat and leave it while you bbq your dinner..It comes out great.

It's what you like....
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I peel back the husk pull off the silk, smear salted butter on heavy and then rewrap and use a piece of husk to tie the top off, grill till you think its charred /done enuf for you.
I peel back the husk pull off the silk, smear salted butter on heavy and then rewrap and use a piece of husk to tie the top off, grill till you think its charred /done enuf for you.
To add the butter actually makes sense to me of why I would peel the husk and silk and then replace the husk.
As soon as I saw the title, I knew there was going to be controversy err differing opinions ;).

We’re simple. Snip the silk and loose leaves just about flush with the cob, snip off any “flying “ leaves and soak in water.

Crank the grill up to high or directly over coals and rotate 180 degrees at five minutes, 90 degrees at another five minutes, 180 degrees at another five minutes, then five more minutes for a total of 20 minutes.

Pull em off, let cool just long enough that you only let out a small Yelp when you yank the leaves off and then the remaining silk..

Butter with kerrygold and a little sea salt and fresh ground pepper.

Perfectly simple...
As soon as I saw the title, I knew there was going to be controversy err differing opinions ;).

We’re simple. Snip the silk and loose leaves just about flush with the cob, snip off any “flying “ leaves and soak in water.

Crank the grill up to high or directly over coals and rotate 180 degrees at five minutes, 90 degrees at another five minutes, 180 degrees at another five minutes, then five more minutes for a total of 20 minutes.

Pull em off, let cool just long enough that you only let out a small Yelp when you yank the leaves off and then the remaining silk..

Butter with kerrygold and a little sea salt and fresh ground pepper.

Perfectly simple...
Yep that is basically how I did it, especially the part where you let it cool just until you only only let out a small Yelp to pull the leaves and silk. 🤣🤣🤣
Last night I figured I try NOT pulling the silk till after grilling on 1 of 3 ears. Cut the end silk and loose husks then stripped back the remaining 2 to desilk. When we found little worms in the 2 stripped ones we did the same on the one I wasn't going to do. That's the first I've seen wih worms in a long time, wonder if it's gt to do with the regional drought going on. Oh well, came out great desilked.
Oh Mike, so true. I absolutely love brown butter, especially to dip my seafood in. It has such a different taste than regular butter.
Smell of browned butter is enough to make me lose my lunch. So is the taste. I am not exaggerating either. It's happened. I cannot be anywhere near it without a technicolor yawn. I know many people who are like this as well. No middle ground on it.

