Weber Original Charcoal Pizza Oven (Weber Part No 6520)

Great 1st run Dwain. That thing looks The Business!!

Hmm. Been on to my local Weber supplier site. £134.00 (US$214.00) all in, next day delivery.

Dwain, thanks. In case anyone is interested, here's a shot from the bottom. This dome is going to allow for a lot of tweaking. Again glad you posted, buying from was easy and the cost for shipping wasn't crazy.

Got mine the other day, $195 delivered.


We have never attempted to make pizza before. MrsTUK is on dough making duty.......fingers crossed.
From the picture it looks like the handle "could" get hot from the air coming out of it, but it maybe could be straightened to be away from the opening


just use common sense and a glove if it is hot. Of course I could see Weber worrying about lawsuits after a BBQr with 4 beers in them grabs and hangs onto the handle.
Good call Jeff.

(I always use gloves when handling a hot bbq. Painful lesson learned previously).

Edit: Jeff, look at Dwain's first post. Just noticed the handle is designed to swing out of the way when in use.
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Dwain. What do you use on the stone to stop the dough sticking? Do you rotate the pies when cooking?

Dwain. What do you use on the stone to stop the dough sticking? Do you rotate the pies when cooking?


I don't add anything because I've not had a sticking issue. Maybe the Semolina I use when shaping and topping the pie also keeps it from sticking. Semolina is like little ball bearings IMHO. If the dough is too thin or moisture level may cause sticking also. Not sure. I use the Breadtopia recipe for best results so far.

I do rotate the pie to evenly cook it on top.
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Thanks Dwain. We used a little dusting of corn-flour on the stone to stop the pie sticking. Worked good.

The pies turned out ok, just need a bit of practice shaping the dough & cooking times.
I posted the below in another thread, but I thought I would add it here. After seeing these threads I got excited to try pizza myself with a stone I have for the oven. Below is the sad but true outcome.

I decided to try a kettle pizza on my OTG. I shoveled it out of the snow and then had one of the kids shovel out the KBB, we still have 18 inches of snow on the ground and piles to 3 feet or more.
I had a pizza stone so I lit one chimney of KBB and spread it in a horseshoe shape around the back and sides of the OTG. I preheated the stone for about 15 minutes and put the first pie right on the stone, left it for 15 minutes, in retrospect that may have been a BIT LONG. The second pie I put on a pizza tray and put that right on the pizza stone and left it for 6 minutes, a bit shorter.
The second one, was overcooked in the back half while the front half wasn't THAT bad. The first one, well I ate one piece since no one else would even touch it, it was that bad even the DOG wouldn't eat it!

I had thought to try to save money by buying the ingredients, which I figured cost $5 for a pepperoni pizza, this time I did buy the dough, was $4 for a total of $9, the dough was from Bertucci's. The local Stop and Shop has dough for $2.50 or I could make my own. BUT a Digorno pizza or a store brand frozen pizza costs $5 or less when on sale so to save money frozen may be the way to go.
I think this epic fail tells me to stick to chicken and pork and beef on the OTG and on the WSM's!!



Thank you for posting. I've been waiting for this accessory to be available here in the US, but according to Weber (email CS today), will not happen, "The pizza stone is more popular here in the US. At this time there are no plans to have it here".

Did they really respond with that? Unreal. Of COURSE the pizza stone is more popular in the US than something they don't sell. Sometimes I wonder why companies are content to leave money on the table.
I ordered the Weber 6520 from just now. 3 day express shipping is $214 to Atlanta! Wait and see if it is here by Friday.
I think Claude mentioned he got his 6520 for about $220. If so, that's great!!! It's not much more than they were going for last year, here in the US. When they ran a test market last May in a few Ace Hardware Stores, I picked one up for $150. After we posted their availability here on TVWBB, others that contacted the Ace about shipping were quoted about $50. So, if it's just $20 more to get it from Germany than Wisconsin, it's definitely worth it. Hopefully they will release them everywhere but with Weber, you never know.

I love my Weber Pizza Oven. Since getting it last May, I have used it dozens of times. For me, the average cooking time is 5 to 6 minutes. I put in the pizza, rotate it at 3 minutes, and pull it out at 6. I have also learned to fill my kettle with charcoal in a ring, leaving the center relatively empty. This lets the oven get really hot, without the bottom of the pizza scorching. For extra heat and flavor, I will drop a few chunks of oak in the back vents. Also; when I am being lazy, I have even tossed on a Frozen Pizza and had great success. However, nothing beats the fresh dough option.
Well even getting it from amazon europe, this would be much cheaper than getting the full setup from kettle pizza. I assume no one has both and can give me a comparison? can you get a legit 800 degrees, 3-4 minute pizzas, from the weber pizza? what to do, what to do?
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