Weber emailed coffee ribs/coffee BBQ sauce??


Len Dennis

TVWBB Diamond Member
I'm subscribed to weber recipe emails. current one is for coffee rubbed ribs on the grill with a coffee BBQ sauce. I like coffee, I love ribs, I love sauce.

I'm not too sure about mixing the two though.

Anyone ever have coffee rub and/or coffee flavoured BBQ sauce on their ribs? Don't want to waste the ribs.

FWIW, I love chocolate but I don't like moles. Just an example of a single item I love but not in a mix.
YES! Coffee is an EXCELLENT ingredient in rubs AND sauces!
Len, GO FOR IT! It's a GREAT Recipe!
Len, Stubb's Beef Spice Rub has COFFEE in it.


That'd add barely a hint of coffee - hardly a chance of overdoing it, even using the darkest roast. I think it'd be worth trying the recipe... (the 3+ racks of ribs in my freezer have been calling to me)

I just wish it'd kick in!

...I've given up on coffee, working on wine - at least that's doing something :)
Ok, you've convinced me. I just had a rack last couple of days so it'll be a week or three till the next one for the "experiment". I'll post when I've tried it.
I would like to try the recipe, but my wife is a no coffee person and I would have to eat them all by myself...........oh wait!
I received the same email and recipe from Weber today. Never considered coffee before. May have to give it a try. All the information was provided by Weber.
I would like to try the recipe, but my wife is a no coffee person and I would have to eat them all by myself...........oh wait!

I'm in the same boat, Bob. Caffeine gives here terrible headaches. I'm surviving though. :) I love rubs with coffee in them, but have only used them on beef. They add a richness that I really enjoy - especially when combined with a touch of heat and some cherry smoke.
I made ribs this afternoon with Sunny Oaxaca, a rub that had ancho chili and finely ground coffee in it. Now that I have seen
the link to this Jamie Purviance rub and sauce, I know that I will have to try it. He has some great recipes from any that I have
tried so far.

