Weber 70th Anniversary Kettle for 2022

I believe this is more a safety thing, don’t wood handles get pretty hit? Or does the heat deflector solve that?
Maybe slightly but not very much but then there were no bicycle helmets when I was growing up either. That may be part of my overall problem these days. :D
I've found the wooden handles don't get as hot as plastic. I retrofitted my kettle with wooden handles a few years ago. These new kettles are gorgeous and I like the new colors. If I needed a new kettle I'd buy one in a heartbeat.
There is already a 70th edition on the German website. 22" in grey. But 100 Euro more expensive than the normal Mastertouch. Hefty markup for some wooden handles and a shelf.
There is already a 70th edition on the German website. 22" in grey. But 100 Euro more expensive than the normal Mastertouch. Hefty markup for some wooden handles and a shelf.
Wooden look nylon handles.
There is already a 70th edition on the German website. 22" in grey. But 100 Euro more expensive than the normal Mastertouch. Hefty markup for some wooden handles and a shelf.
see post #39
Today, Amazon's page for the green Anniversary kettle is missing. It was there yesterday.
There don't seem to be pages for the other colors either.
I wonder if that means Weber's release is imminent? :unsure:🥳

On an unrelated note, I noticed Weber has raised their minimum for free shipping to $99, up from $50.
Also when they sold the special edition 26 inch Glen blue kettle it was on available directly from Weber. Wonder if that means this is going to be much more widely available
Also when they sold the special edition 26 inch Glen blue kettle it was on available directly from Weber. Wonder if that means this is going to be much more widely available
It's my understanding they will be available at Ace Hardware if the operator chooses to order them.
Also when they sold the special edition 26 inch Glen blue kettle it was on available directly from Weber. Wonder if that means this is going to be much more widely available
70th Anniversary Edition Kettles will be available on AND through a broad range of Weber retailers. #IworkforWeber
Wow they’re going to let their retailers in on these!? I’m shocked. I’ve tried to get all my stuff from local retailer (red LE, Glen Blue, Spring Green, etc) and they can’t get them.

