Want a sample of BBQrs Delight Smoking Pellets?

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Keri C

TVWBB Wizard
I e-mailed Candy Weaver a little earlier to ask about this, and she was pleased to pass along an offer to everyone on TVWB. If you would like some samples of their BBQrs Delight smoking pellets, go over to the website at http://www.bbqrsdelight.com/flav.htm, choose the three flavors that you'd like to try, and send an e-mail to Candy Weaver at candy@bbqrsdelight.com. Tell her that you saw the notice that Keri C passed along on the Virtual Weber site, tell her which three flavors you'd like to try, give her your mailing address, and she'll send the three samples to you free of charge.

Candy's the lady who won 1st in brisket at the Amazin' Blazin' BBQ Cookoff at the Wilson County Fair in Lebanon, Tennessee on a WSM with the Jack Daniels smoking pellets, by the way. First out of 53 competitors!

Chris, Candy's a member here but just doesn't post very often. I hope this was okay. There had been questions about pellets lately, and I thought it was great of her to offer free samples! Early Christmas presents, eh?

Keri C, smokin' on Tulsa Time

PS - I'm just curious - if you would, drop a quick post on this thread if you send to Candy for samples.
I just put in my request for the relative exotics:

Cherry, Orange & Pecan

After seeing your wonderful poultry posts I hope to use the cherry for Xmas Turkeys.

Thanks so much Keri!
Thanks for setting that up. I emailed Candi for a few samples. I have used their product in a smoker box on my grill, but never tried them in my WSM. Looking forward to trying it out.

Wow, no Kidding...thanks Keri. I asked for samples of Mulberry, Sassafras and the Jack Daniels. I look forward to trying this out!
Keri, I just put in a request for pecan, cherry & sugar maple. Thanks for the info and doing the leg work. I can't wait to try these!

Thanks Keri! I asked Candy to send me JD, orange and pecan. It'll be nice to try some flavors that are'nt common to my neck of the woods...

Thanks again,
This is great! I was trying to decide which sample package to buy last night and never hit the purchase button...figured I'd decide today. And then this - AWESOME! Thanks Keri!

I had to get hickory, cherry and Jack Daniels. The hickory is the control group of my experimentation...I know what 4 fist sized chunks gets me as far as flavor goes, let's see what 1/3 cup can do! I can't wait!

Thanks again Keri!
Keri, thanks so much...apple, oak and pecan for me!!
Chris, I maybe should have contacted you before posting Candy's offer, but it isn't an offer that was arranged especially for TVWB members. Candy sends free samples on request to anyone, and has been doing so for some years now. In fact, she took a trailer-load of sample size Jack Daniels pellets (made from the used filtering charcoal from the distillery) to the Jack Daniels BBQ Competition, and gave away near a ton of 'em. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that this wasn't a deal that I negotiatied especially for TVWB - just a standing offer that was around anyway that I wanted folks to know about.

Thanks - Keri
Thanks, Keri! I sent a note to Candy and requested Jack Daniels, Sugar Maple, and Sassafras. I've been wondering about using pellets for quite some time now. I guess I'll find out.

What is the recommended procedure for using them? Foil?

Edit: Nevermind that last question... I went to their site and read the directions... DOH!

Thank you, and a big thank you to Candy also.
This will give me the chance to try something new. I had to go with the JD, Orange and the Sassafras. I know that JD would sure be good on that chuck roll I have in the fridg . It will be going on the WSM Friday night.

Thanks again,

Keri, Thanks for the info. I think it is really a good thing that they offer this. The stuff they sell must be good if they are willing to spend $ just to get the word out.
Thank all of you for your pellet requests!

Pleased to send 'em out to you. If they don't go out today, they will for sure tomorrow!

It's called guerilla marketing! Try it, they'll buy it. Actually it really is good wood, works well with WSM, kettles, gas grills, electric grills & smokers, even bit off-sets and commercial cookers.

Thank you all for participating.
Hey, Candy Sue! Fancy meeting you here!

My first acquaintance with BBQrs Delight smoking pellets were through a free sample deal just like this that Candy offered to members of another list some years back. I've been a fan ever since.

Keri C, smokin' on Tulsa Time
Thanks Ms. Keri, maybe we should call you Wendy (always looking out for us Lost Boys).
This is really a grate opportunity.
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