Want a sample of BBQrs Delight Smoking Pellets?

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Realistically, you'll get 30 minutes from a packet of pellets at normal cooking temperature. When I do a brisket, I use a cup of pellets. That's 3 packets. 2 buried in the unlit charcoal, 1 tossed in with the lit chimney of coals. Sometimes even an extra 1/2 cup in the cast iron smoker pot. Plenty good smoke flavor on brisket or butts done with 3 packets though. Only used a cup of Jack Daniel's pellets for 1st place brisket at Lebanon, TN contest.

On chicken, I use only one packet of pellets.

Good idea burning paint off a can in the chimney! I'd do a pre-burn with any kind of can used, even with no paint on it. Picked up a candy tin with no paint on it the other day. It's going to make a good pellet can soon as the lemon drops are gone!
I would like to say thanks to Candy again.

My wife placed an order for a christmas present for me. Boy am I itching to go to Sams.
Anyhow not only did I get my order err her order but must have gotten 6-8 more samples. Thanks for the Christmas present Candy.

I also was wondering how long you are going to be doing this, giving out the samples that is? My buddie and his brother and brother in law all got a WSM for Christmas. Looks like I have 3 people to turn on to this site. Actually 2 my friends brother already visits although he hasn't signed up to the forums. Chris are you out there?
Yea, I am talking about you.

I got 3 dials of cheese for Christmas. I am planning on trying the pellets SOON. I think I will use cherry. Although I have been contemplating trying the mulberry that I just got in my goodie box this morning.
Mrs. Claus brought me a big bag of Pecan, JD, and Sugar Maple. Thanks for the extra samples! She said she talked to someone there and they said the pecan was popular, so she bought me the bag of that. Thanks to whoever she talked to lol. Can't wait to try the other samples you sent along.
I emailed Candy and ordered the Jack Daniels, apple and the sugar maple. I am going to use the maple for duck, the apple for ribs, and the jack daniels for brisket.
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